
家政知识 2022-11-07 21:04www.17kangjie.cn家政服务公司




Time rush, I feel ____ years have quietly aved to us. Looking back a year of ork and life, sentiment. Usually busy, there is not much time and opportunity to sit don and sum up their ork done, all year round, Jing Xiaxin to sum up the ork of one year gains and losses, find their on deficiencies, for the ing year to do the ork arrangements and plans, is Very necessary. On this year's ork I make a summary as follos:

First, to strengthen learning, focus on practice

In my daily ork, I earnestly listen to the master's experience, make a record, and personally in the ork practice, so that the continuous learning experience, pro-practice level of ork has been improved. For example, in the process of repair gas cabi inlet valve, although tired, but through hands-on, ith the eyes, from the leadership that learning to single-action cylinder disassembly method and the cylinder, piston structure, mode of action. After the maintenance of the gas cabi inlet valve I have a more single-acting actuator of a deeper understanding.

Second, sum up experience and improve efficiency

There are a lot of repetitive problems in the daily ork, if e do the daily summary, solve the problem ill be more ith less. For example, after to years of experience e summarized the need to insulation area of the instrument area in inter the specific circumstances of a inter instrument this year, the staff for the need to heat insulation instruments to take measures to achieve good results, the instrument is running very normal. In 2021 I ill continue to sum up experience, improve ork efficiency, ensure smooth and suessful pletion of the ork.

Third, solidarity, good coordination

In 2021, the relationship beteen colleagues increasingly close, the class ork together to plete the task of coordination, after get off ork, a piece of entertainment, e feel this time to enhance the intersection beteen us and friendship. In 2021 I ill be more efforts to do their on, let me and my colleagues further relations.

Fourth, to find the lack of excellence

I am also seeing my on shortings in 2021 hen the ork is done.

First: Some questions on the specious, understanding is not deep. For example, the Siemens locator and a series of actuators are not familiar enough to find a good problem. Solution: After the summary of information, make a record of each step of the solution to the problem summed don, repeated vie.

Second: the softare is not monly used strange. Performance in the use of PACTare, aidental use pletely fotten steps, had to re-find information. Solution: summary of information, often vie, improve familiarity, so that the next time you need to ork in handy!

In short, a year to achieve certain results, but pared ith their on requirements, there are still some gaps, I ill ork in the future continue to ork to overe and improve.


Key to Performance Performance: Self - Assessment and Objectives.Performance ork is an important part of enterprise HR ork. The key to the folloing to points: First, give employees the opportunity to self-assessment; the second is to make the staff's goals and the pany's goals are consistent.

Give employees the opportunity to self-assess

First, the employee's self-assessment as part of the pany's performance appraisal process, is very important. To encourage employees to participate in the pany's performance appraisal process and ensure an effective dialogue beteen managers and employees, you can use the same form in the pany's regular performance revie process, or create a slightly modified version.

Second, the purpose of employee self-assessment is to obtain employees on their performance of self-point of vie. This is a poerful ay to give employees the opportunity to speak throughout the performance appraisal process. Sometimes, managers orry about the value of self-assessment, that employees ill simply give their praise and higher ratings in order to try to raise their actual rating. Experience has shon that the opposite trend is real, and hen e evaluate ourselves, e tend to be more severe than others.

Third, the manager's personal vie of the employee, self-assessment is a very valuable ay for the pany to get more information about employee performance. It can also help managers stay ready to deal ith differences in opinion or opinion and gain insight into employee expectations.

So that the objectives of the staff consistent ith the pany's goals

The importance of creating a SMART (concrete, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound) goal is to associate the employee's goals ith higher-level anizational goals, and you create for employees' This is a very important "context." This helps employees understand hy their ork is important and ho their ork contributes to the suess of the anization as a hole.

Practice has proved that the goal of the staff ith a higher level of departmental goals, the objectives of the branch and the goal of the entire enterprise linked to create a personal goal and anizational goals consistent ith the "big environment" for the development of staff performance is crucial Important, but also allo employees to feel that their ork is very important.


The so-called ork performance, that is, the ork of employees in the ork of the results sho that the customer is satisfied ith your service, leadership is recognized for your ork and so on. Ho to rite the ork of self-identification, the folloing information for the performance of self-identification of the model, for reference purposes only.

Work self-identification model: to months later, I admit that I municate ith customers less some, on the one hand because the market continued cold. I understand everyone's mood, although the decline in the process of never s to give you a reminder, but little effect, a lot of people are holding holdings in 2007 to earn money to stick to the mentality of the present, in exchange for the Is the market value of half the painful price cut don the middle. On the other hand, I have been in an orderly conduct of the marketing team management.

First of all, from February 18, 2008 began the aount opening activities aount, this time the activities of the pany is still a unified nationide, and the sales department has also developed a marketing team to develop customer incentive programs, Banks Bank staff introduce the customer's incentive program. My first job is to have all the data in the game. In this event, as of May 1, all marketing representatives of a total of eight aount 199, of hich 100 households, the amount of gold 472,7829 yuan, after the pletion of each of the marketing representatives of the development of the customer's situation , Check ith the manager, I ill introduce the bank staff to select customers out, aording to the cash reard. Among them, the aard of ork has been issued and the manager is pleted.

Because of the departure of the aount manager, I ent to the Agricultural Bank for stagnation. There, I also deeply appreciate the inner feelings of a marketing representative. In fact, marketing is a ay of munication, munication, munication needs of their on time to grasp. As far as possible the degree of customer resentment to their on minimum, so as to seize the opportunity to let him illing to aept our products. Hoever, e may be in the munication performance is not in place, there are reasons for self-esteem, the limitations of the above character, not alloed to grasp the rhythm, so many people do not have to municate effectively, may municate ith only A silent flyer. With this experience, and then have their on thinking, and thus also in the Bank of the stagnation point ork effectively used.

Services into a ne marketing representative, training began. In addition to her basic training every afternoon outside of it, I think I am more to her in this line to pass the required professional ethics and attitude toards ork. In each ansering phone calls, in every reception of customers ork, let her really sense of understanding their ork is a kind of service nature of the ork. Later, I also alone ith her stationed in the Bank. And she shared some of my ork experience: hat kind of customer has the potential, hat kind of customer is not orth to explore, hat age e need to ait, in these times, in addition to teaching, I also passed the practice Mastered a lot of deeper and more practical approach.

Should be called the hole business department, e ill try to arrange for customers to move to home for online transactions. At the beginning, just after the closed-market approach to teaching, many people are fotten overnight, the ork is very slo. Later, after munication ith the sales department staff, aording to the existing conditions, e ill no offer a separate large room, named "online trading real room", selected in the daily opening time for the real environment training, Fully mobilized the enthusiasm of customers. At present, all the training ork is still continuing, my hand data also caught some ant to go home customer information.Therefore, in June I ill focus on the ork and the munication of these customers, so that they are satisfied and assured of doing home online transactions.


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