
家政知识 2022-11-07 21:04www.17kangjie.cn家政服务公司




Precious four-year college life is nearing pletion, it is necessary to summarize the gains and losses of the University for four years, from the suesses of doing ell to improve the inadequacies of the place, to revie their on ay, but also to see the future Walk the road.

Learning achievement is not very good, but I am in the process of learning a lot of gain. First, I correct the attitude of learning. When I entered the university, my mind is to relax from the heavy pressure to liberate themselves, but soon I ill understand, the University still need to seriously study. See the students around the desperate study, I also dispel the original intention of starting a university study journey.Folloed by a great extent to improve their self-learning ability. As the teaching of the university is no longer as high school hen spoon-fed, but a lesson about a lot of knoledge, rely on classroom listening is not enough. This requires the practice in the classroom to consolidate the knoledge learned in the classroom, their on research and often go to the library to check some relevant information. Over time, self-learning ability has been improved. Then there is learned to use the learning method at the same time pay attention to independent thinking. To learn hard only hard to learn is not enough, to learn "methods" to do things. I have e here to learn the purpose of "fishing", but it is easier said than done, I changed a good many ays to do hat is diligent in thinking, the case of the old man said, There do not kno here to diligent to ask. In learning, to "independent thinking" as their motto, alays remember not to alert. With the progress of learning, I not only learned the basic knoledge of the public and a lot of professional knoledge, my mind has also been a qualitative leap, to a more rapid grasp of a ne technical knoledge, I think this is very important for the future. In the study of knoledge this time, I and teachers to establish a strong friendship beteen teachers and students.


Time flies, four years of university life is ing to an end, as an important turning point in life, it enriched my cultural knoledge, changed my behavior habits, and enhance my ideological and spiritual realm. Since entering the university I have been rigorous learning attitude and positive ork enthusiasm to devote themselves to study and ork, strive to bee a moral, intellectual and prehensive development of outstanding college students. I believe that through four years of study and exercise, I can in the increasingly fierce social petition to oupy their on place.

In politics, I have a firm political orientation, active progress, understanding of current affairs, concerned about the international political development trends, love the motherland, love the people, firmly support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, support the party's principles and policies, Criticism and self-criticism, to establish a correct outlook on life and values and join the Chinese Communist Party in the senior year.

In learning, ith the desire for the future life and pursuit, I have been strict self-discipline, assiduously, studious, correct attitude, a clear goal, to on, into a grasp of modern information and vocational skills of qualified college students, I Firmly mastered the basic knoledge and skills of the professional, in addition to I also extensive hunting for other disciplines of knoledge, give yourself more opportunities to participate in social practice, so that theory ith practice.

In addition to actively participate in the activities of the school, department, class anizations, as a student cadre, I actively take the initiative to plete their on ork, and teachers and students ith each other, the smooth anization of the campus business visit and a series of knoledge Lectures and other activities.

In life, I am strict demands on themselves, thrift, failing to calm thinking, be taken seriously. The courage to self-check discuss. Enthusiastic and generous, honest and trustorthy, helpful.Have their on principles of life, and students, friends live in harmony and mon progress.

Leaving the university campus does not mean that I ill end their study career, on the contrary, it opened another door for me to study, about to enter the social university, , Set foot on the journey of the moment, I ill be full of enthusiasm, firm conviction, a high sense of responsibility to meet ne challenges, climb ne heights.


University campus is a big family. In this family, e play the role of the object being cultivated. The teachers are our elders, so I respect them. Students like brothers and sisters, e learn together, ith entertainment, help each other, live in harmony. Collective life so I kno to take the initiative to understand others and care for others, but also made me bee more strong and independent. I think their on things should be responsible for their on, others can only give you some advice. Things to calmly think, do not impatient. Not easily mitted to the mitment to the efforts to fulfill. Life needs to sketch themselves, not the same ay there is not the same life.

Four years of college life is a good memory of my life, I move forard ill not fet to look back once the years.

Familiar ith all kinds of softare, ebsite construction and programming technology; Strong ability of expression and munication; Strong ability of judgment and logical analysis; Honest and honest La-abiding; love a ide range, illing to interact ith people, have a better team spirit.


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