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I have made great progress in my thinking, learning and ork ith the care, support and help of my leaders and colleagues. I have done a lot of ork in the past fe years to fulfill my job responsibilities. A summary of the folloing aspects.

First, on the "moral" aspects

Noble moral character is an important basis for a person to conduct and achievement of the cause. As a party member cadres should strengthen the training of moral cultivation. I alays pay attention to the transformation of the subjective orld, strengthen the party spirit training, firmly establish the Marxist orld outlook, outlook on life, values, maintain a good morality. No matter hat the ork can be put right itself ith the anization, ith the cause of the relationship beteen the realization of the value of personal life ith the superior leadership to closely follo the arrangement, consciously study and implement the party's basic theory, basic program and basic line,To carry out the important thinking of the 'Three Represents', to stimulate our on political sense of responsibility and to strive for progress in a ne spirit.In the face of difficulties to maintain a good attitude, continue to tirelessly to the pursuit of faith and ideals. Alays do not get carried aay hen the good times, difficulties do not lose heart pessimism. In the face of ork and career, I alays take into aount the overall situation, never striving for profit, do not care about personal gains and losses, all ithout their on pursuit of lofty ideals, to maintain good moral character closely related.

Second, on the "energy" aspects

The overall level of a person's ability to ork the strength of the ability to determine hether he can fulfill the duties assigned to good job and plete the task assigned to a good superiors. Since joining the ranks of civil servants, I never understand to kno, from unfamiliar to familiar, and then quickly open the ork situation, and soon into the role of the tonship's economic and social development have in-depth thinking and overall grasp. I mainly from the folloing aspects to improve their ability.

1. Reinforce learning persistently. First, strengthen theoretical study, improve the theoretical quality. Consciously adhere to the study of Marxism and Deng Xiaoping Theory and unservingly arm the mind ith the Marxist theory of contemporary China and the important thinking of the 'Three Represents' as the soul of taking the overall situation and running through the various tasks.The second is to actively learn about the administrative, economic, science and technology and other ne knoledge, and strive to adapt to the ne situation, ne tasks on their on ork requirements. Third, efforts to learn business knoledge, to the leadership, colleagues, the masses learn and aumulate grass-roots ork experience, and apply it to the ork of the masses to serve. 2. Obey the leadership, do a good job of unity. Do not speak unprincipled, do not do ithout principle. Resolutely implement the party mittee and government to make decisions and ork arrangements, ork ith the attention of the relevant departments, exercise their on munication and coordination. 3, diligent in thinking, good at exploration. Difficulties encountered in the ork alays find a ay to solve their on, do not give leaders trouble, and improve their on problem-solving, problem-solving ability.

Third, on the "ground" aspects

Diligent ork is a minimum requirement for a cadre. Regardless of hich position, I have done diligent, conscientious and conscientious, alays ith a good standard of party members and cadres to strict demands on themselves, don to earth to plete the tasks assigned by their superiors, ork proactive, not afraid to do more, do not be afraid to do Small things, in the practice of perfection to improve themselves.

Fourth, on the "performance" aspects

In my on job, I did not give the party mittee and government to delay, the suessful pletion of their on business ork, but also actively cooperate ith the party mittee and government to do the ork center, not only that, he also use expertise to assist other departments to plete some important ork, such as 06 Year to assist the ton of immigrants in the required time to plete the ton alone 56,000 immigrants of the puter information entry ork, get the leadership and colleagues alike. The results are not striking, but for the party mittee and government ork plans to contribute to the pletion of their on strength.


University life is about to end, full of excitement and pride at the crossroads of life, ready to meet the future opportunities and challenges. Looking back on campus life and social practice, here it is necessary to summarize.

In ideology, positive progress, love the motherland, love the people, support the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party. Further in-depth study of the party's knoledge, the party's true policy, the system more profound understanding. Understand the first person, after learning the truth; in the school decided to submit the application form to join the party, and in the party school graduation as named "outstanding students", the glorious became a member of the Communist Party.

In the study, hile trying to learn specialized courses, also selected the "puter programming", "psychology", "literary appreciation", "Japanese", "economic management" and a series of courses. At the same time pay attention to the puter, English and other learning, has passed the puter to, English forty-six examination. Can easily read the foreign literature. Through four years of undergraduate study, I have made great progress in all aspects, but there are still many shortings, to be further improved.

Knoledge is poer, ith the rapid development of society, the things learned in the University has been far from meeting the needs of society, in order to enrich themselves and improve themselves. I am enthusiastic, enterprising entrepreneurial spirit, during the school, and actively participate in social practice, and various cultural and sports activities, cultivate a certain degree of anizational and social skills, can quickly adapt to a variety of environments. Mastered a solid theoretical knoledge and business skills, ith a certain amount of practical ability.

In life, frugal, positive, optimistic; in learning, hard-orking, practical. In addition, I also pay attention to physical exercise, so I have a healthy body, strong physique; At the same time pay attention to munication ith students and teachers, has a strong team spirit and strong anizational skills.


For a fresh linguistics and applied linguistics graduate, sociolinguistics and dialectology research is still only in the embryonic stage. Three years of master's study, I ork hard, in addition to reading a large number of articles ithin the professional range, but also actively involved in the subject of the instructor, and a field survey, mastered a more detailed first-hand language information. These, for my future study of the road to lay a more solid foundation. Knoledge Reserve During the graduate study, I pleted all the courses at the master's level ith good results.

In 2010-2011 professional prehensive quality evaluation, I made the Yunnan Nationalities University Nationalities Institute of linguistics and applied linguistics professional first achievement, and as named the Yunnan Nationalities University Miyoshi students.

I am good at theoretical study and academic practice, actively rite academic papers, has published three papers in the direction of Chinese dialect. Study Plan I have a strong affinity for sociolinguistics and dialectology. I am most interested in language contact and language evolution, as ell as interest in bilingual, bilingual and language policy and language planning. With the study of the related fields, I feel more and more that I should be able to do something in the field of sociolinguistics and dialectology.


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