
家政知识 2022-11-07 21:04www.17kangjie.cn家政服务公司




My name is __x, __x people, members of the Communist Party of China, college degree, __x enlisted, the original service in __x a department, __x out of active duty. Served as a batant, monitor, deputy platoon leader. Has participated in "__x", "__x" and other mass incidents and the disposal of "__x", "__x" rescue ork. Won the third class during the 1, as "outstanding soldier" mend 3 times, "outstanding munist" 1 times, "excellent sergeant" 1 times, on the aard.

__ years of military career not only my orld vie, outlook on life and values have been remodeling, but also makes their on ability and quality has also been a prehensive upgrade. Since the army, regardless of the grassroots or in the ans, no matter ho the role of change, I alays based on their on, suessful pletion of the tasks assigned to their superiors, praised by the leadership. During the ork of the army, I as mainly responsible for anizing the drafting of speeches and prehensive ritten materials, as ell as archives management ork, drafting minutes, briefing, assisting other units in the system to implement the tasks pleted, because the ork results Outstanding, many times been rated as business model.

I kno that the experience and achievements of the PLA can only represent the past. Demobilization and reintegration ill face a ne environment and challenge. Although I lack local ork experience, I ill redouble our efforts to continuously improve their quality.


Although the beginning of military training, hen feeling particularly suited to the training is tired and pain, soak in their seat all day, doing everything to obey orders, not arbitrary, but I can alays stick to it, even in the The most tired of the moment did not relax the requirements of their on, asked hen the hand and shoulder pressure as sore, I still teeth to maintain, maintain Junzi, and actively hone their on ill quality. Later, more seat, to adapt, and do not feel tired.

Military training let me understand ho to do a qualified military is not easy, the military to pay more than e can not imagine the seat, to be a soldier, e must discipline, obey orders. I am in military uniform is half of the military, through strict military training in their on requirements, my physique and ill have been honed even stronger, this kind of bitter and tired I may never meet again, but may Will encounter even more tired of the challenges. I believe that after the military training I ill not fear any hardships, I ill be brave to face all challenges, no matter ho serious the task, I ill continue to plete the task.

Military training is also a team training, hard training created a ell-trained pany, marching, side guns, kettle, e everyhere unified action, e are concerned about each other, mutual exchange of experience, let us squareMore neat. Thirteen panies, even though this pany formed only a short period of ten days, but it has been firmly in memory in each of the hearts of thirteen, 13 is the pride of the entire battalion! We created it Honor, and e are proud of it!



I to April 30 this year, transferred to ____ ork for six months, insist on respect for leadership, unity, colleagues, modestly to the main officer and military rades in arms to learn professional knoledge and efforts to improve operational capacity. Under the guidance of the leadership of the squadron leader, in the performance of their ork under the premise, can better plete the other tasks assigned to their superiors. No take this opportunity to my squadron in the past year to ork, study and other aspects of the performance of the squadron leader to truthfully report. In general can be summarized as follos:

First, to obey orders, obey the mand. Actively cooperate ith the squadron leader to plete the ork, consciously abide by the rules and regulations and rules and regulations, conscientiously study the "contemporary revolutionary soldier core values," the important thinking of the exemplary implementation of the party's line, principles and policies and higher order instructions, ell in their on requirements Implement.

Second, consciously firmly establish the "rooted troops, dedicated to the police camp," the idea of security forces in service, so that "dry line, love line." In their on positions on the love of ork, due diligence, study the business, for the detachment for the offer.

Third, usually to strict demands on themselves, adhere to the principle, resolutely fight against all violations of la and discipline. Not because he is a pilot and relax. Anti-more stringent requirements of their on, and never relax the principle.

Fourth, consciously abide by, and actively study the country's las and regulations and the forces of the regulations, rules and regulations.Conscientiously study, alays do the party and the people's loyal guard.

At the same time, there are shortings, mainly in the folloing aspects:

First, the study of scientific and cultural knoledge is not enough to concentrate on scientific and cultural knoledge to grasp too little, can not use spare time to study hard.

Second, the professional knoledge is not thorough enough.

Third, their on requirements are not strict enough.

In this period of time since the good aspects and shortings of the same, in the above ork, the good aspects continue to carry forard, deficiencies in the development of measures to resolutely correct the above deficiencies in the next step of the ork determined to do:

First, carry forard the good, correct deficiencies, learn from experience, listen to opinions to improve their self-cultivation.

Second, do study earnestly, and strive to learn scientific and cultural knoledge, improve their professional and cultural knoledge, ork hard. In their duties on the peace of mind, life should be simple and frugal, high standards of ork, lo life requirements.

Third, in strict aordance ith the "excellent soldiers" standard strict requirements ith their on rules and regulations to regulate their on code of conduct.

In the future ork, life must be more strict demands on themselves, please the leadership and rades supervision and correction, and more ments to give criticism, and self-criticism of self-supervision, the problems must be corrected. These are my ork since the time of this statement, the inadequacy of the squadron leader also asked correction, e give more advice.


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