
家政知识 2022-11-07 21:04www.17kangjie.cn家政服务公司




Control the performance of the leadership team performance objectives at the beginning of the content of the plan, no my goals for the year 2014, the task report is as follos, please revie.

First, the pletion of key ork objectives

1, the pletion of the tasks assigned by the superior center. This year, the higher level of the central task of more, involving me mainly to, one is the basic anization "five basic construction" and "A Good" activities, a people - the main ment on the ind activity. These to tasks, the Bureau of party mittees have arranged effective petent leadership, my role is mainly involved in co-management. This is a major theme in party building ork this year. In the face of heavy tasks and more activities and demanding high pressure, I as mainly involved in a series of follo-up activities, such as "five basic constructions" and " Supervision activities. For example, in June and December this year, e carried out to prehensive supervision, to promote the ork carried out and in-depth, but also for the inspection and aeptance of Jingzhou City, the necessary preparations, passed the inspection and aeptance of Jingzhou City. Besides, the main ment on the ork of the popular style of government, my main responsibility is to lead the publicity and education group. Throughout the event, e carried out a number of publicity and education activities, the city's health system people - the main ment on the ork style of popular ind, and made ind and ater, sound and color. In particular, the propaganda of public mitment system, the propaganda of large-scale volunteer activities, the selection and propaganda of "double ten", and so on, played a very good public opinion-oriented and guiding role in the critical moment of the people's appraisal.

2, the pletion of the ne rural construction objectives. This year, 16 units of the health system have counterpart support village-level anizations ork tasks. In charge of leadership, I mainly assume the program development, upload and release and inspection and supervision and other aspects of the ork. We strengthened the leadership, the implementation of training, follo-up supervision and other means to promote the health system of 16 rural task force to achieve the "selected people in the village, to ensure orking hours, conscientiously do a good job of discipline," fulfilled the " To formulate development plans, to develop special economy, to promote public utilities, to strengthen anization construction, to strengthen mission training ". The system-ide contact in 16 villages contact poor households or members of the "double band" model households 165, 33 on-site office, to support cash and material 210,000 yuan, looking for 30 development projects.

Second, the pletion of the daily ork objectives

1, the pletion of the Bureau of funds directly under the unit unions task.This year, trade union funds, one task increased by 15%, the second is a half year or a year to settle the practice, the implementation of the monthly or 15 days after the initiative to declare the payment method. To this end, e actively do a good job 9 units directly under the coordination and supervision ork, in aordance ith the requirements of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, the pletion of the union funds on time 91918 yuan.

2, to promote the system orkers to participate in the city's model selection activities. In aordance ith the city's "once every to years," the model selection mechanism, this year is exactly the mode of ratification in recognition of the year. 51 on the eve of our extensive publicity, bottom-up, trade union revie, the party decided to approach, remended the City Maternal and Child Health Hospital Tan Yanping, Municipal People's Hospital of Chen Jian, Shishi City labor model, remended City People's Hospital Xie Honghua Jingzhou City, participated in the advanced orkers. As e are fair and impartial, strict pre-trial, remended positive, plete materials, three people ere elected to the appropriate level of the model orkers and advanced.

3, the anization staff to actively participate in the system, "5.1" festival and other festivals. And the medical department together, anized the "5.12" nurse festival art sho. Remended City People's Hospital group dance program "Desert Rose" to participate in Shishou Federation of Trade Unions 5.1 Labor Day cultural activities, Jingzhou City, "5.12" Nursery Festival and Jingzhou City Federation of Trade Unions "Voice of Jingjiang" Staff Culture and Art Festival of theatrical performances.

4, the anization of veterans to actively participate in the system Chung Yeung Festival activities. We adhere to the veteran's political treatment and economic treatment, but also often anize veteran cadres to carry out healthy and beneficial fitness activities. Especially the anization of the annual celebration of the Chung Yeung Festival activities. On the day of the Chung Yeung Festival, e anized the retired veteran cadres of the city's medical units to participate in the city's collective mountaineering activities. For each retired veteran cadre ho participated in the activity, the memorial items ere issued. The retired cadres Bureau of retired veteran cadres collective discussion and dinner, so that retired veteran cadres feel the armth of her family.


Key to Performance Performance: Self - Assessment and Objectives.Performance ork is an important part of enterprise HR ork. The key to the folloing to points: First, give employees the opportunity to self-assessment; the second is to make the staff's goals and the pany's goals are consistent.

Give employees the opportunity to self-assess

First, the employee's self-assessment as part of the pany's performance appraisal process, is very important. To encourage employees to participate in the pany's performance appraisal process and ensure an effective dialogue beteen managers and employees, you can use the same form in the pany's regular performance revie process, or create a slightly modified version.

Second, the purpose of employee self-assessment is to obtain employees on their performance of self-point of vie. This is a poerful ay to give employees the opportunity to speak throughout the performance appraisal process. Sometimes, managers orry about the value of self-assessment, that employees ill simply give their praise and higher ratings in order to try to raise their actual rating. Experience has shon that the opposite trend is real, and hen e evaluate ourselves, e tend to be more severe than others.

Third, the manager's personal vie of the employee, self-assessment is a very valuable ay for the pany to get more information about employee performance. It can also help managers stay ready to deal ith differences in opinion or opinion and gain insight into employee expectations.

So that the objectives of the staff consistent ith the pany's goals

The importance of creating a SMART (concrete, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound) goal is to associate the employee's goals ith higher-level anizational goals, and you create for employees' This is a very important "context." This helps employees understand hy their ork is important and ho their ork contributes to the suess of the anization as a hole.

Practice has proved that the goal of the staff ith a higher level of departmental goals, the objectives of the branch and the goal of the entire enterprise linked to create a personal goal and anizational goals consistent ith the "big environment" for the development of staff performance is crucial Important, but also allo employees to feel that their ork is very important.


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