
家政知识 2022-11-07 21:04www.17kangjie.cn家政服务公司




I have a strong independent research ability, graduated from the oasion, revie the three years of research, study and life, self-identification is as follos: I am a doctoral student in the stage of study, thinking, study hard, earnestly read the relevant professional domestic and foreign literature,

Ideological consciousness, the time to party members strict standards to regulate their demeanor, has a good moral character and ideological cultivation, play an exemplary role. And earnestly study the core theories of Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and the Scientific Outlook on Development. Concerned about current affairs and school reform and development, support the party and the country's principles and policies. Looking to the future, can use the scientific concept of development to understand the orld, understanding society, to be able to clearly aare of their responsibilities, establish personal goals and values.

Academic research, I alays kno in the kno, I do not kno as I do not kno the spirit of hard scientific research, to learn carefully, identify the attitude of Dudao treat a research problem, and actively pay attention to domestic and international research frontier and development. Under the guidance of the mentor, and actively participate in various research projects, mastered the methods of scientific research, training in scientific riting ability, cultivate the ability of independent research. Carefully study the basic theory related to professional, scientific research ork to lay a solid foundation. To be able to bine professional theoretical knoledge and production practice, learning in practice. Active reading of Chinese and foreign professional literature, the research background of the application context and the structure of the entire subject has a macroscopic understanding. Tirelessly to learn English, ith a strong ability to use English.

Life, and actively participate in the collective activities, students live in harmony, and ith the same professional, the class ith the students to maintain a very harmonious relationship. Usually pay attention to exercise, participate in a variety of sports activities. Maintain a simple style of life, thrift, to resist all kinds of extravagance and aste.

I am in the doctoral stage of productive, academic, scientific research and personal qualities are fully training and exercise, is full and meaningful for three years. I believe that these experiences and aumulation ill bee a valuable asset in my life on the road. In the future ork and study, I ill continue to carry forard and carry forard the rigorous style of study, ork diligently, strive for greater achievements.


Good afternoon, my dear teachers. I am great honored to be here for this intervie. No allo me to give a brief self-introduction.

My name is __, __ years old, born in __ province. I spent my college life in __. During my campus life, I as getting to kno my major—__ and loving it gradually. Thanks to my passion for this profession, I had an idea to get further studies. Then I chose the __ to continue my study because I think our school can give me the higher platform to increase my knoledge. No I am proud to be a master graduate student in our school.

I have had nearly __ years’ graduate experience in our school. In the period of this time, I learned a variety of expertise and as inspired by a lot of teachers in their classes. At the same time, I orked involved in a number of practical projects under my tutor’s guidance. Those experiences have given me a onderful opportunity to put the theoretic knoledge into real practice. Only in this ay can e master the knoledge e’ve learned firmly. As the saying goes:”genuine knoledge es from practice.” I think that practice is more important to my major and it’s a good ay to get a better understanding of my profession. All in all, I not only improved my ability to learn knoledge, but also be influenced by the academic atmosphere in our school. Maybe this is the main reason hy I once again chose here to continue my studies.

At last, I ant to introduce my personality. I am a cheerful person,

but sometimes I am careless and indecisive hen faced ith some unimportant things. I prefer to stay in somehere quiet at ordinary time. My hobbies are reading, running and fitness. Of course, I think going to travel ith friends oasionally is also a good choice for me.

That’s all, thanks!


Precious Ph.D. study life is nearing pletion, sum up the gains and losses, there are many gains.

In the ideological and political aspects, I have excellent moral cultivation, and have a firm political direction. I love the motherland, love the people, firmly support the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the socialist system, and strive to study Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory, and constantly improve their political consciousness and ideological quality, strictly abide by the national constitution and other legal provisions. At the same time I abide by social morality, love of public property, unity of students, helpful and pragmatic spirit of enthusiasm to participate in school public interest and patriotic activities.

In the exercise of character, I am also very good in all aspects of performance. In life, I advocate a simple and simple life, not extravagant and aste, and develop good habits and decent style. My concept of time is relatively strong, the appointment time ill alays arrive in advance. A child's life also exercise my hard-orking spirit, self-reliance ability. I am enthusiastic about others, honest and trustorthy, ith innovation and pioneering consciousness, the courage to challenge themselves, and the relationship beteen students is extremely harmonious.

Learning, I earnestly study the professional knoledge, aording to their on professional direction requirements, targeted carefully read the core curriculum, for their on learning ork to lay a solid foundation; and studied part of other courses, broaden their horizons, the professional direction Application background and the structure of the entire discipline has a macroscopic understanding. In addition to theoretical study, I also learned to use the learning method at the same time pay attention to independent thinking, to improve their ability to analyze problems, problem-solving skills

In scientific research, by reading the literature, especially foreign literature reading, making their on reading and riting of scientific papers have been greatly improved. Aording to the instructor's guidance, through a large number of brosing, as ell as teachers and students to explore the exchange beteen, and gradually clear the direction of development, through their on continuous efforts to obtain some relatively satisfactory results. During this period, aess to information, prehensive analysis of the basic quality of continuous improvement, the ability to express ritten also got temper, especially the ability to think and judge independently, ith great progress, these are also great for future ork Benefit.

I have a doctoral thesis has been basically pleted, I can more prehensive understanding of the technology in the field of research status and the latest developments, and has a solid broad theoretical basis for electric and in-depth system of professional knoledge, has strong independent research capabilities, Rigorous scientific research style.

Six years of doctoral student life, I gained a lot. Above is about to graduate, I on a fe years of self-identification. I am confident that ith their on ability and knoledge in the ork after graduation and life can continue to realize the dream of self and life value.


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