
家政知识 2022-11-07 21:04www.17kangjie.cn家政服务公司




A good paper is not ritten out, but modified out, hich requires patience, but also hard. In the process of riting the paper, I encountered many problems, some of hich are beyond the scope of their ability, henever they can not rite their on ideas or thoughts do not go, I ill appear impetuous mood, but I Did not give up, but in a timely manner to adjust their mentality, ith the help of students in the teacher, pleted the first paper riting. The more you do not understand the things you ant to learn, in the learning process you ill gain a lot, one point is to learn from each other is the best ay to learn, after learning you ill feel a sense of acplishment, hich I pleted After the production site to experience.

Throughout the graduation thesis design process, I learned to do anything to have attitude and attitude, first of all I understand that to be meticulous in learning, for any problems and deviations do not despise, through the correct path to solve, in the Do things in the process to have patience and perseverance, not a difficult encounter back don, as long as you stick to it can find ideas to solve the problem. In the ork to learn to cooperate ith the attitude, listen carefully to the vies of others, so start things can be less effective.

The suessful pletion of the paper, first of all I ould like to thank my teacher and teacher Tang Jianhua around the help of friends, thank them for their valuable ments and suggestions. In addition, I ould like to thank all the teachers in the university to teach my knoledge is your careful teaching so that I have a good knoledge of professional courses, hich is the basis for the paper to be pleted.


Five years of college life has bee a past tense. From the day into the junior college threshold, through the mentor's careful guidance and their on hard ork, self-improvement, I gradually bee a ne era of social needs to adapt to college students, and to build a knoledge-based socialist build a solid Of the base chu

My greatest feature is: honest and trustorthy, enthusiastic about others, the courage to challenge themselves. I live in the orld, I insist on strict la has been ide to treat people, "if people have respect, e must have respect for people", good interpersonal relationships is built on the basis of understanding and munication.

I have the advantage of honesty, enthusiasm, character perseverance.I believe that integrity is the conduct of the country, so I have alays been a statement to the line to ask their on, and promised to someone else's ork must be pleted on time, hich left others a deep impression. As a arm and sincere, so from primary to university has been ith the students and teachers get along very ell, but also very popular ith students around the ele, ith many students to establish a profound friendship. In learning the knoledge, I kno better, consider the problem should be thoughtful, hich in dealing ith interpersonal relationships hen I fully demonstrated. I have a characteristic of this person is not like the anticlimactic, things have alays been beginning and end, even if the hard thing to go all out, the pursuit of the best results, because of this, I put their on ill as the main factor, Perseverance iron bar can be ground into a needle.The greatest enemy of a man is not anybody but himself.

College five years of study so I kno a lot, from naive childish I, through the frustrations and frustrations of life, to the no mature, stable me.So I understand a truth, life can not exist smooth sailing things, only since the courage to face life in every post. Of course, five years, I have also been sad, lost too, distressed, this is due to my lack and shortings. But I reflect on, this is just a test given by God, is not falling. I should be good for college students to avoid eaknesses to promote their on methods to improve their prehensive level of ability.

Looking back over the past three years, found himself in many aspects of progress, hile many aspects also need to be improved.

In the study, the mind holding into the university to relax after the liberation from the eight of the idea, then ignored the study. No high school hen the initiative and enthusiasm. Near the end of each test, a eek before the exam temporarily hold the Buddha, be passed.Hoever, since the lessons of the failure of several CET 4 after the painful lessons, I found that the university does not study is not enough.Must strive to enrich themselves, spend energy to spend time in reading after class, improve their professional level, broaden their horizons. In the classroom, although not as high school that ould be so preoupied, but can not alays go God, thought deserted. At this point, I thought I did not do ell. Often be boring classroom atmosphere get the trapped Daihatsu. As a marketing professional students, must increase their reading volume, broaden their horizons. I firmly believe that the suess of any one person is not aidental, prior to the inevitable experience of many efforts, so ant to gain more after graduation, in college ill have to pay more!

In the ideological and moral, has been the pursuit of personality sublimation, pay attention to their on conduct. I orship people ho have great charisma, and have alays anted to be able to do it myself. I think I have a good moral cultivation, a firm political direction, love the people love the people love the motherland, pragmatic and truthful attitude to participate in many public elfare activities.

In life, advocating simple and simple style of life. In college, to develop a good living habits. For example, has never been no night out. Usually relatively approachable, friendly attitude, and students and friends get along ell. I have alays believed that life es from the tenacity of faith. Only ith a strong ill to face life in the various difficulties and setbacks. Therefore, the individual's independence and self-care ability is relatively strong, a lot of things to try to solve their on, try not to let others help.

Alays believe that people are not perfect, everyone must have their on shortings and advantages, it is important ho to face up to their strengths and eaknesses.

Easy-going, honest, character perseverance is my advantage. As long as the decision to do one thing, ill be serious to plete. Never liked and some hypocritical people, although not change others, but you can alays encourage yourself to adhere to the principle of honest man and trustorthy.


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