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I called __x, male, (1990 -), __x people, studying in __x professional.2021 I am ready to apply for __x Design Studios students. We ill make personal evaluation on individual moral cultivation, academic motivation, academic background, knoledge reserve, study plan and employment target. Please teacher revie and inspection!

Moral cultivation

Moral cultivation I thought correct, arm and sincere, illing to help ithin the context of the people around. Good cheerful people, honest, enthusiastic, positive attitude toards life, illing to participate in various public elfare activities, a strong sense of social responsibility and justice. Respect teachers, unity of students, the ork of enthusiasm, hard-orking, strong sense of responsibility.

Academic motivation

Speaking of academic motivation, in fact, very simple, you can anser from to aspects: for himself and for him. "For" or can be said to be the heart of one's on, this "heart" is the private heart of the academic ideals and the future of academic life. "A pen, a book, a cup of tea," the academic life for me has endless appeal to guide my constant to the academic door of the forard. "For him" or can also be used in a sentence can make a clear statement: "academic is the orld of the public device." As a member of society, as a member of the Communist Party, the development of society is not a matter of their on nature, if hat I can contribute to our country and society, the academic is the biggest eapon I long for

Academic background and knoledge reserve

As a master of design graduate, the design research is still only in the embryonic stage. One and a half years of master's study, I ork hard, in addition to reading a large number of articles ithin the professional, but also actively involved in the subject of the instructor, mastered a more plete series of design methods. These, for my future study of the road to lay a more solid foundation. During the graduate school, I pleted the master's course ith good results. I am good at the theory of learning and academic practice, the pletion of the mentor layout of the project.

research ork

During the graduate school, he assisted the tutor to apply for the international science and technology support program __x declaration ork, this subject has been approved and suessful in the study.Many times as a mentor of the cross-ic leader in a number of research projects such as: __x, __x, __x, good pletion of the task of the mentor layout.

study plan

Work hard to learn and improve the professional theoretical knoledge, and strive to learn more about the forefront of subjects and development direction, at the same time under the humanities history, anization and management knoledge, and strive to have expertise in a ide range of knoledge plex talents; bined mentor research projects And engineering projects, mastered the methods of scientific research, training in scientific papers riting ability, and professional knoledge and production practice, learning in practice.

Employment goals

For their on employment goals, has alays been very clear: into the university or research institutions to do the ork of teaching and research. No is the case, the future ill think so. Because the analysis of personal traits, I think universities and research institutions is a more suitable for my environment, and reading books is also a big hobby.

The above is my personal statement, hile riting a pen to rite on Kant tombstone on a famous saying: "There are to things I think the more I feel more magical, the hearts of the more full of ae, that is my head and my heart Of the moral standards. "For the sky looking up, is my academic progress, the pursuit of truth great motivation, I also learn to remember the la, for the inner moral la to ply ith, is my life in the future for the people and the road Strictly abide by the moral line of doing things.


I ______, it is derived from the field of biomedical engineering and stem cell research interests, as ell as the industry's prospects are recognized, the choice of the professional study Ph.D., and continue to explore the unknon areas of stem cells is my advocacy of science, Hope to be able to achieve suess in this area. Your school is a prehensive multidisciplinary university, academic and scientific research is very good, has a strong historical and cultural heritage. Medical schools, hether hardare or softare has a strong strength. High-quality teaching and academic aumulation of infection, so I am more determined to study for a doctoral degree of confidence.

I am cheerful, strong sense of responsibility, treat people friendly, good at learning, innovation, ork clear thinking, the implementation of strong. During my master's course, I have taken courses in molecular biology, immunology, cytogeics, advanced biochemistry, basic laboratory medicine, experimental zoology, SPSS, and other specialized technical courses. The system has learned the general English, the natural dialectics and the scientific socialism and so on the general course, has the solid medical theory foundation; Through the graduate student stage systematic study and the training, at present mastered the molecular biology and the immunology experiment technique. The main direction of the graduate students is: the protective effect of hydrogen sulfide, a ne type of gas molecule, on oxidative injury of cardiomyocytes and its mechanism. Through the implementation of the project not only systematically understand the cell culture, separation, purification and other cell culture techniques and routine indicators of detection methods, but also improve the ability of independent analysis to solve the problem, and finally ith excellent results to obtain thesis defense. In recent years, mainly engaged in oupational health and health research, published three academic papers, assume the Hubei Provincial Department of education research project 1, on the Shiyan soft science project to prize 1 item.

The above ork for me later in the Bo during the study to lay a solid foundation. During the doctoral plan to learn about stem cells and tumor therapy and other related theoretical knoledge and research progress, further analysis of its mechanism. My overall learning goal is through professional training to enhance their understanding of tumor development, the direction of its future treatment have a clearer understanding. Within three eeks after the mencement of his / her doctoral program, he / she ill prepare his / her on individual study plan under the guidance of his / her supervisor. The first year to take the course to study, to carry out a certain laboratory research, and actively participate in various academic, cultural and sports activities, at the end of the course ith the experience and learning of knoledge to choose their on specific direction of the main attack, Aording to the requirements of the school during the doctoral study and research. During the study period, at least to academic disciplines ithin the scope of an academic report; doctoral students to listen to more than 30 academic reports during the reading period, at least in the ell-knon journals published more than to academic papers, and the suessful pletion of doctoral thesis .


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