
家政知识 2022-11-07 21:04www.17kangjie.cn家政服务公司




I remember the beginning of a school, e met in the classroom ladder, the other classes of people alays make me laugh, the teacher at the meeting, I hold back, but after just step out of the classroom I laughed loudly . When I first entered the class teacher called me out, took me alone to a house, I had a criticism of education. But no I have corrected my problems, has been able to do in the corridor to keep quiet.

Just started school, I think I did not strict demands on themselves. After the first monthly test, my results are not ideal. I think my attitude is not correct enough. I learned a lesson from this month's test, and clearly defined my eaknesses. The biology of the mid-term exam as five points higher than I expected. At present, I ant to continue to maintain my attitude toards learning. Features and Achievements

Actively participate in collective activities, learning hard, the pursuit of science, ideological health up. To ork together ith others, to restrain one's behavior, to respect the thoughts of everyone around you, and to create a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere very quickly.

I learned a lot of books can not learn the knoledge, thinking than before has been greatly improved in the hope that the future can do an ideal, aspiring, cultural people no matter hat, as long as the end of the holidays, their memories Up that there is no hite too, flies full, meaningful to their on on the line. I can leave some memories, more than anything else, to enrich my life experience. My vacation study program is this: in this semester to fill the lack of nes classes and then learn the ne curriculum in advance. Of course, I also deeply aare of their on deficiencies, the ord is not very good to rite, and sometimes things ill be only three minutes of enthusiasm, I believe that as long as overe these problems, I can do better.


First, abide by the party's discipline, play a vanguard and exemplary role of party members the main situation

As a party member, can alays remember the party's purpose, firmly establish the idea of serving the people holeheartedly, in the ork of all party members to the standards of strict demands on themselves, ork by example, everyhere play vanguard exemplary role of munist. To ork in charge of their on, to be serious and responsible, don-to-earth grasp of the ork of the Bureau of each party arrangement.

Can alays keep in mind the requirements of the oath of joining the party, unservingly implement the party and the country's line guidelines and policies, in ideology, politics, action and the Party Central Committee to maintain a high degree of consensus, firm munism, adhere to reform and opening up, Entrepreneurial, pragmatic ork style, alays maintain a modest and prudent ork style, firmly establish the idea of advancing ith the times. We should conscientiously fulfill the obligations and rights of Party members and correctly handle the relationship beteen the collective and the individual so as to obey the interests of the Party and the people and resolutely obey the decisions and arrangements of the Party anizations. We should actively participate in the Party's anizational life, Pay membership dues. In aordance ith the requirements of democratic centralism, and unit colleagues, for the college ork to a ne level and ork. Especially in dealing ith the relationship beteen members of the party group, to mutual respect, help each other, plement each other, the same boat to ork together to do a good job overall ork together. And pay attention to contact ith the masses, unity, concern and help rades, all the interests of the collective as the most important, pay attention to maintaining a good image of the collective.

Second, there are problems

By participating in educational practice activities, there is still a long ay to go in parison ith the standard of party members, the requirements of the anization and the expectations of the masses. There are still aspects of "four inds", "three strictnesses and three realities", ork style and ork discipline. some problems.

1. Study of political theory is not enough. Political theory cultivation needs to be further improved, there is no one-sidedness in the study of political theory learning, and there is a lack of systematic study and deep understanding of political theory. The lack of systematic, regular, in-depth study, can not be a good use of Marxist-Leninist standpoint and point of vie of the problem, the lack of understanding of the problem ith the theory, problem-solving skills. The four inds and the three strictures and the three real issues are the things of the party members and leading cadres. They do not have much relationship ith themselves and do not study deeply. They do not have a deep understanding of their scientific viepoints. Usually, they are just learning forms. Profound thinking.

2. Transform the subjective orld is not enough. As a university administrative personnel, by the party to educate for many years, to strengthen the subjective orld transformation, firm ideals and beliefs, attitude is conscious, cognition is consistent, the stand is firm. But to seek truth from facts, ho to carry out the education of ideals and beliefs ith the times, to strengthen the continuous transformation of the subjective orld, and sometimes the bination is not tight enough, adhere to not good enough. In strengthening the theory of armed, strengthen ideological ork, strengthen the ideal and faith education, energy input is not enough, means not much.

3. Innovative aareness is not enough. Ignoring the ork of the initiative, enthusiasm and creativity. The transformation of the subjective orld is not self-conscious and lacks the spirit of arduous struggle. In terms of emancipating the mind, reneing ideas, innovating orking methods and means. Busy to cope ith more, take the initiative to implement less, more research, less problem-solving, lack of creativity to carry out ork, reform consciousness needs to be further enhanced.

Third, the improvement measures.


I can consciously abide by the rules of secondary school students, and actively participate in various activities, respect teachers, enthusiastic people, and students live in harmony, love and love the collective, illing to help others, labor actively and illingly, consciously exercise, and often participate in the anization and class school anization Kinds of internal and external activities. Have a strong sense of collective honor, and strive to do a good job for the class for the school. As a member, I thought progress, abide by social morality, and actively participate in practice, concerned about national affairs In high school life, I not only learned a ealth of knoledge, at the same time, has also been improved in all aspects. In the face of difficulties, I never retreat, alays brains, trying to solve the problem, to overe the difficulties. And each solve a problem, overe a difficulty, all my confidence has been improved. I believe that, as long as there is sufficient self-confidence, coupled ith increased efforts to be able to overe all kinds of difficulties and obstacles, leading to the suess of the other side.

In the high school stage of the learning process, I can seriously take every course, carefully previe, active revie. Encountered problems, ask the students, to the teacher advice. I ill continue to improve the learning method, adjust the learning plan, reasonable time. I regard learning as acquiring knoledge, enriching my on pleasure, and being interested in it. I have a correct outlook on life and values. Good munication ith the students, ith them to establish a good relationship, make the greatest efforts to help others. In life, I can respect teachers, honor their parents.Lively and cheerful personality I can actively participate in schools and social anizations, useful activities to enrich their on after-school life.Since high school has served as a representative of mathematics to assist teachers to do the ork. I like sports, and actively participate in them, in the movement to experience happiness, harvest health. I still have a lot of shortings and deficiencies in the future, I have to redouble our efforts to continuously improve themselves.


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