
家政知识 2022-11-07 21:04www.17kangjie.cn家政服务公司




Key Performance Indicators Affecting Employee Performance. The source of individual employee kpi is the department's annual ork target.Scorecards can be used as a deposition tool hen the department's annual goals are broken don. From the financial, customer, internal process level, learning and groth of the four levels of the department's annual target deposition. Aording to the various indicators and the relevance of departmental responsibilities to extract, the formation of sector performance indicators library. Staff kpi personal kpi dismantling aording to the department, as possible to quantify the inconvenience of the project can be described qualitative description of the project.

Electrode design, for example, the end of the year kpi quantitative indicators are as follos:

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Annual self - evaluation summary

Self-evaluation (ith electrode design as an example)

This year, in charge of all levels and colleagues ith the guidance and help, I feel very fast groing. Their skills continue to improve at the same time, also kno that the electrode design needs to learn a lot.

No summarize the year-end summarized as follos:

1. Actively plete the tasks assigned to the petent arrangement, and the effective orking hours of more than 98.8% per day.

2. This year the ork of detailed, 365 days ithout exception.

3. Participation in the ork of the goods ithin the group to help solve this group of colleagues in the design of the problem, the detection of the proportion of ng electrode is only 0.1%.

4. Training and guidance of ne ork to help ne people understand the electrode design specifications, master the electrode design process, so that ne people faster into orking condition.

5. Eliminate a number of major security risks, to avoid the ourrence of abnormal.

6. Actively municate ith the site to optimize the design and processing programs to reduce unnecessary ork hours, effectively improve the design and processing efficiency.

7. Annual attendance zero anomaly, zero late, zero early leave, zero leave.

8. Update / produce electrode design copy materials, to facilitate the timely sharing of information

9. The production of video courseare for easy visual munication.

10. Write technical briefings, service teams, and jointly improve.


First, the practical ork attitude:

Over the past year, I insist on practical ork, hard orking, consciously safeguard the pany's corporate image, properly do their jobs, try to avoid any flas in the ork.

Administrative clerks are the nature of the ork of the service, and more plicated.

(1) every day I do a good job in the service ork to ensure that the business department, document department, shipping department, finance department and the design department of the normal ork.

(2) the clerk's daily ork is more trivial, need careful, cautious, and not negligence, but can not be sloppy.

(3) under the guidance of the Department of Administration Manager MAY, the establishment of the day memorandum. I ill be included in the day's ork in the memorandum, one by one to plete, so as to avoid omissions.

Second, dedication, good job of administrative personnel ork:

Conscientiously do their on ork and daily ork, to help the leadership to maintain a good orking order and orking environment, so that the file management has bee more standardized and standardized. At the same time do a good job of logistics services, so that leaders and colleagues to avoid orrying about, under the direct leadership of the department manager, active and active do the daily housekeeping ork.

1, the daily reception ork: the call, the use of civilized language, speak and gas, arm, polite reception of foreign visitors to factories and foreign staff, for the relevant issues to ask or ask for help, I ill give my best to give Anser or promptly convey the relevant leadership to solve.

2, material management ork: the development of the pany's daily office supplies purchase and receive form, do a good job ith the use of materials management, aording to the department to receive the situation, to receive registration.

3, file management: aording to the ork needs, at any time production of various forms, documents, etc., at the same time to plete the department to explain the English scan, copy the documents, the pany issued the notice, the file to upload in a timely manner.

4, personnel file management: the staff ill be orking and separation of staff files classified archives, and do scanning electronic archives, the ne staff assessment table sorted by annual bookbinding and other preservation.

5, recruitment: Check the e-mail reading resume, appointment arrangements for the manager intervie and general manager of the re-examination.

6, business meetings and exhibition itinerary ork: the development of travel plans, booking domestic and international air tickets and hotels to ensure the normal travel of staff travel.


In 2010, I can support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, adhere to the four basic principles, conscientiously study the rules and regulations, abide by the rules and regulations of the country, in the ork of hard ork, hard orking, on time to plete the leadership layout The task, to unite the relationship beteen colleagues in the pletion of their on ork, and actively help the needy colleagues. Principle of strong, positive hard ork, serious and responsible, have a strong entrepreneurial spirit. To deal ith the problem in an orderly manner, act neat and aurate; the overall concept, to unite colleagues, to plete the task. In the pletion of their on ork, and actively help the needy colleagues.

My main ork in 2010 are:

1, to learn ne business knoledge, to consolidate the original knoledge, based on the self-conscious and constantly enrich their knoledge and ork skills, in order to clear the use of all systems and familiar ith the maintenance methods. In addition to the perfect system, in addition to the international business of gold trading, the other such as fmis, cms, the people's anti-money laundering system, personnel management systems, trade union financial systems, and so on systems have been replaced Web Edition, each update a system, Will take the initiative to understand the relevant operation and technical conditions, through continuous learning and humbly ask, so that their never backard.

2, deal ith the relationship beteen colleagues, so that the fastest speed to solve the problem, such as a moment to go, ill explain the reasons for all failures as far as possible ithin to orking days to solve, especially important departments, such as the fifth floor of thePresident of the Office of the Office of the boss and the puter, there is a failure to do to solve immediately. Often remind colleagues in a timely manner to backup, important documents must be stored in the non-system disk, and patiently anser a variety of puter colleagues questions. Usually think colleagues think, urgent colleagues urgency, through patient and meticulous ork, not only on the recognition of colleagues also increased the status of the Ministry of Science and Technology in the ans.

3, encountered a puter hardare damage, promptly notify the manufacturers to replace the equipment, branches are no the majority of puters are relatively ne, there is no arranty period, hen there are bad parts, the timely notification of over 800 manufacturers to replace parts, to protect the system Of the normal operation.

4, sort out the various departments of the equipment, ill be eliminated and not used the old puter: the departments are still a lot of phase-out and old puters such as debris-like stack, in addition to leaving a small amount of configuration as a backup machine, With all the old puter on the collection, so that after the asset clean-up to reduce a lot of ork.

5, the management gradually standardized: the majority of the current branch of the puter are dell and Lenovo, there are a small number of Founder.

Dell in the 520 and 320 are equipped ith a system CD, hen the to puter systems crash, ith a random CD to restore the genuine inxp system.

6, pay attention to the safe operation of puter environment, the existing branch of more than 200 sets of puters, each machine has its on professional softare, in order to ensure the normal ork of each system, each machine is installed provincial bidding pc cillen antivirus softare, In order to prevent the spread of Trojans, in the pc cillen based on the installation of 360 security guards and other security softare.

7, the maintenance of the sub-camp, sub-camp in the branch building, in addition to receiving ordinary customers, the ans of all employees in this business, sometimes to floors of the orkload even more than the entire branch, including the Inter, office Netork and production ork, due to a high degree of concentration, the smooth flo beteen the ork and the ork has bee the most important ork, folloed by the normal operation of various equipment, such as video check system, check printing system, type of business inquiries, to ensure external Within the normal business, often overtime to rule out the fault.


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