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Through their on continuous efforts, hether ideological, learning or ork, have made considerable development and tremendous gains.Through this year's ork and study, I realized that the groth of a qualified technician is a bright future, full of hope at the same time need to pay efforts and effort of the process, but also a need to constantly improve the continuous development of the long-term process. The folloing is a summary of my ork in this year and self-identification:

1. Strict self-discipline, consciously strengthen party spirit, political consciousness has been improved

Thought is the guide to action, a person if you ant to do a good job, e must first establish their on ork thinking. As a non-party member, I actively asked to join the party anization, in August 2011 turned over to join the party application, is no a party activists. In my daily ork, I have strict demands on myself, consciously aepting the supervision and assistance of Party members and colleagues, persistently overe my on shortings and make up for my on shortings.Alays adhere to the Marxist-Leninist position, viepoint and methodology, adhere to the correct orld outlook, outlook on life, values, and to guide their on learning, ork and life practice. As a member of the pany, I seriously study and perate the pany's mainstream cultural thinking, the pany's core business philosophy, and actively promote the party spirit, And apply it to the actual ork, consistent ith the pany.

Second, thirst for knoledge, ith an open mind to learn

As the 2011 session of a ne employee, and only continue to upgrade their knoledge and technical level, in order to better plete their ork. Work encountered problems do not understand, the humbly to the master and other colleagues for advice. Daily ork in the operating area in the morning softare ork in the afternoon into the scene to see more equipment to see more, and constantly increase their field experience.At the same time a serious study of the pany's various documents on the management system and norms have a certain understanding of the ork of the pany to standardize the management of the standard to strict demands on themselves.

Third, ork hard, conscientiously plete the ork tasks

I start from doing my on ork and daily ork, starting from me, from no on, I have alays believed that a hard ork, a harvest, so I have been orking hard to continuously study and ork hard. From the small things around and perseverance, love their on ork to be able to take seriously each and every job, ork, on time, effective use of orking hours, stick to their posts. Equipment failure repair, no matter hen they can do the first time to the field attendant operations, and put forard their on programs involved in repair, to ensure the normal operation of equipment as soon as possible. In February 2012 I as employed as a field professional engineer in the area. I folloed the pace of the pany to strengthen the theoretical knoledge of learning, and strive to achieve a ne understanding of the use of ne gains, to guide the practice of theory , To promote the ork, improve the level of the purpose of the ork, and constantly improve their technical level to guide their ork. Through the dedication in their on ork, tirelessly to make achievements, I ant to constantly improve their job skills, and strive to master their job knoledge, to do their on ork and the backbone of the experts, don to earth to do their jobs.

Fourth, ork to promote team spirit, to overe the ork of one after another problem

In the usual ork, first of all do the daily ork, I and other colleagues in the ork area both division of labor and cooperation, insist on regular and other technical personnel exchanges, and fully carry forard the democracy, never arbitrary, and thus a more suessful pletion of the maintenance department The ork tasks. Have made great progress. Of course, the results represent the past, in the future ork, I ill redouble our efforts to strive to do better. Because the technology continues to progress and update, only through continuous learning, don-to-earth style, can be petent for their jobs. At the same time in the aumulation of future ork experience, and gradually develop their on predictability, and constantly in the on-site inspection, supervision at any time to identify problems and solve problems, so that their on-site prehensive processing capacity continue to get exercise and improve.


First, moral and civic literacy

I abide by the la and abide by social morality. Respecting teachers, respecting the teachers, the elderly, the elderly, the elderly, the elderly, the elderly, the elderly and the elderly, Unity of students, love the collective, love public property, help each other, concerned about the students. At home, filial piety elders, so that "ill tell, back ill face", often help parents do houseork, such as ashing dishes, ipe, and do some simple meals. The initiative in the car to the elderly and sick people need seats, at any time ithin their poer to help people in need.

I love the motherland, concerned about national affairs, to oneself is a Chinese and feel proud. Every time the national anthem is played and the national flag is raised, my heart is alays very excited. Like every Chinese person ho loves the motherland, for the arrival of that momentAnd cheered!

Actively participate in various activities. Participate in and anize classes and schools in a variety of extra-curricular activities, activities and students to live in harmony, concern for the collective, has a strong sense of collective honor. Willing to help others, in a variety of labor actively ork hard, not afraid of dirty, not afraid of tired. Actively participate in social practice, often consult the teacher of various economic anizations, as ell as the economic structure of the rights and obligations of the staff for the future into the munity in preparation.

Second, learning attitude and innovation

Ability to learn can bee useful to society. I have been studying hard, learning attitude is correct, purpose clear. Class to listen carefully, take the initiative to participate in the discussion, after school hours to plete the job. Has a strong independent learning ability, like and students to discuss issues. Can take the initiative to plete the learning tasks, good grades.

Can reasonably arrange after-school time, get up on time, rest on time.Learning online at home to find information to take the initiative off the assembly line, not on the bad site to brose, never been to Inter cafes, no addiction. To control their on atching TV, finishing their on room and clothing, make up classes do not have parental transfer, self-management and self-reliance.

I like a ide range, ith curiosity, like to explore and think about the problem, like to see "I love the invention", ith a certain sense of innovation.

Cooperation and Exchange

I am lively and cheerful, optimistic attitude toards life, positive, strong munication skills, ith a strong team spirit, and actively participate in the collective activities of useful, care for the collective honor, ork seriously responsible, ith certain anizational skills. Can take the initiative to help teachers anize a variety of activities, teachers have regarded me as a good helper.

I am good at munication and cooperation ith others, henever I have a happy thing, I ill share ith friends. I love life, I like to observe life, in order to develop my practical ability, I ill participate in some activities, not only to kno some friends, you can also open up horizons.

Work in a serious and responsible, in the ork, students can unite together, good at synergy ith others "bat", social practice ability, the ability to aept ne things fast, optimistic, hobbies, and can do a good job every one thing. Be able to actively make progress and take the initiative to challenge some difficulties.

Fourth, exercise and health

Actively participate in physical exercise, a good physical education class, the results qualified. Usually pay attention to exercise, like playing badminton and cycling, ill take advantage of free time and holiday to play badminton and cycling. Good health, focusing on personal and environmental hygiene. Mental health, emotional stability, to control their plex in a variety of environments to play their roles.

Fifth, the aesthetic and performance

I like music, movies and art, dress neat. Have a healthy aesthetic taste, appreciate and listen to, do not pursue and aept lo-level, vulgar things.


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