
家政知识 2022-11-07 21:04www.17kangjie.cn家政服务公司




As a aiter every day I have to face a large number of guests, the impact of large, so the service ork to pay special attention to etiquette, to the guests left a good impression. Here is my self-identification as a aiter. First of all, as the external image of the total station service staff, I dress neat, not makeup, do not ear expensive ornaments, pay attention to personal hygiene, Jichi before ork has a strong taste of food stimulation. Standing in the service, alays full of energy, greet guests ith a smile, active enthusiasm.

Have professionalism, do not leave the orkplace to do private matters.Working hours I do not chat ith others, do not ignore the guests. In any case, do not dispute ith the guests, the use of civilized and polite language, not ridiculed, satirical guests, not vulgar language, rude behavior. Second, I am in the attitude of service attitude enthusiastic and sincere. When guests plained about service dissatisfaction, I patiently listen, sincerely aept, do not interrupt the guests of the conversation, not to ignore, sincere apology to the guests, and immediately proceed to solve the problem. So that all guests are treated equally, enthusiastic service.

I do Insider, 100 ask patiently. Anser questions concise and clear, aurate, articulate. The location of the various hotels, service time, a variety of facilities such as the helm, do not "may", "may", "probably" and other vague ords to anser guest information. I as kind enough to be a good counselor hen I asked the guests. I am also familiar ith other local service industries, such as tourist attractions, round-trip routes, transportation, shopping and other relevant information, so as to provide services to guests at any time, to avoid asking questions.

In the guests encounter difficulties, I try my best to do everything to help, never refused for any reason, such as the guests on behalf of the size of items such as repairs. If you can not meet the requirements of the guests, I apologize to the guests in a timely manner, in order to five, not free to pile reasons, prevarication prevarication. I promise to do things in the promise of the guests, not negligence, or even fotten.

Guests to check out the total station, I am enthusiastic attitude, apply quickly and aurately, so as not to delay the guests time. Check the situation on the spot, the money face to face settlement. Check out the guests should be pleted to thank, and ele guests to visit again.Because I kno the appropriate fareell, you can impress the guests to attract guests e back.


I July 20, 20__ - October 31, 2010 to Guangzhou City Phoenix hotel internship, this time I have a great harvest. Hotel service is a mixture of tangible products and intangible services, the hotel service quality evaluation criteria is the guest's "satisfaction." Guests in the buyer's market should take the customer demand as the starting point of the marketing ork, the lobby on behalf of the hotel and guests to meet the needs of the guests of the hotel services to aept plaints from customers to solve customer problems, is the hotel's nerve center. It is based on these, the status and role of the lobby is particularly important.Although the front lobby is not the hotel's main business sector, but the hotel's market image, service quality and even management level and operating efficiency has a crucial impact. The Front Office is the croning touch to hotel management. Through this in the Phoenix hotel close to four months of internship, I benefit greatly. The hotel is tantamount to a microcosm of society. The internship is undoubtedly for the near future into the munity I provide an important opportunity.

1, to improve munication skills: As a front desk receptionist, as the hotel front-line staff, and the guests contact is face to face, is the most direct. Often receptionist ord can affect the guests on the hotel's overall impression, and even affect the mood of the guests all day. Ho to make your on language so that guests hear fortable, happy to hear, as a front desk receptionist must learn the course. Of course, munication is not limited to the guests, but also beteen colleagues, or even to the higher level. People can not help but not have emotional volatility, but this emotional fluctuations tend to affect the mood of others. Ho to adjust their on mentality, ith the best attitude to face the guests, the face of colleagues and even higher, ho to bring someone the best smile, every day I seriously think about the problem. In this internship, I not only in munication skills have been improved, but also learned ho to adjust the mentality of self.

2, emergency response capacity to improve: ork in the front desk, every day must be ready for battle. Because as a front desk receptionist, every day to receive different guests, in the face of different events. Guests can not help some of the guests ill not be polite, and even the receptionist ill be outrageous. Faced ith this situation, ho to appease the feelings of the guests, but also to protect the interests of the hotel and its on security, for me is another test.

3, the ability to ork independently improved: Through this internship, I am deeply aare of the need to learn their on ability to do this must be their on reason. Only to develop their on independent ability to ork in progress. in Work, there are problems, do not understand should be bold to ask colleagues, rather than pretend to understand. Work independently, gain experience, and finally get the most suitable for their on things.

4, service aareness: as a front desk receptionist, alays represents the hotel. Whether in the orkplace, or alking on the road, as long as the uniforms of the hotel should alays have to provide guests ith the best service mean. We are the angel of the City of Smiles, all for the guests, for the guests of all, for all guests.

(B) practical experience

1, their on shortings and shortings: Through this internship, I re-see their on shortings and shortings. In the language ability is still not very fluent in munication ith the guests. Daily visitors to the Phoenix Hotel are mainly domestic guests as ell as Japanese guests.Hoever, during the Canton Fair, the hotel is the main source of foreign guests. Because of their ability to speak English is not very good, resulting in munication barriers ith the guests. And because of their on lack of ork experience in the hotel, leading to ork should not appear rong, for the colleagues to bring a lot of inconvenience. On the other hand, at ork, some of my shortings is revealed. Such as not careful enough ork, not enough to aept criticism of colleagues and so on. But through this nearly four months of exercise, I have been in constant corrections.

2, employment prospects Aording to inplete statistics, there are currently more than 9,000 hotels across the country, the hotel talent gap of more than 100,000. And no most of the hotel's grass-roots staff are mostly secondary or tertiary education. I think the current lack of hotel industry is still highly educated professionals. Hoever, even ith a high degree, is still unable to bee a manager. As a manager or must have many years of ork experience. Among them, front-line ork experience is very important. Therefore, as a graduate of the college students, it is absolutely not a master, must be prepared to aept the challenge.

(C) internship ideas and remendations

1, idea: this internship gives us a good opportunity to understand the society. Is that e really into the munity before an important step. La of the jungle has been unable to change the survival of the principle. Want to be suessful, you must ork harder than others. The internship faced a lot of problems that had never been encountered before. Such as interpersonal problems, guest relations, poor mental state and other issues. But through this nearly four months of learning and improvement, I both in the psychological or ideological have been a lot of progress.


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