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From time to time to enter college __ __x professional clothing since the teacher after careful guidance and their on hard ork, I have all aspects of greater improvement, the suessful pletion of the study. Looking back four years, for me is not extraordinary four years, is the harvest of four years, is to continue to learn nutrients for four years, is the groth of four years, is orth remembering four years. At the graduation, summed up the four years of bit by bit, I gre up a lot, but also a profound understanding of: learning endless, the need to step up the pace to improve themselves, improve skills and realize the value of life.

Clothing professional is a highly professional subject, under the guidance of the teacher, I systematically studied the basic knoledge of clothing professional, solid grasp of the clothing professional knoledge and skills, hile the clothing of the professional knoledge in practice applied to practice Activities, the knoledge into practical ability, application ability and creativity, and strive to the unity of theory and practice. In the study and master the professional knoledge and application of professional skills, but also strive to broaden their knoledge, develop their on other aspects of the ability to study a ide range of knoledge of other disciplines, thereby enhancing their ideological and cultural quality. English, puter, Mandarin and other aspects of the grade test has reached the standard, in addition to excellence in clothing expertise, but also the use of puter spare time specializing in professional knoledge, so I can skillfully operate a variety of office softare, thereby enhancing their ideological and cultural quality . (This part of the actual situation in aordance ith their on simple to rite about their on clothing made in the professional representative of the results)

In the aspect of ideology, e have learned the important thought of Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory prehensively and systematically through the four years of the university. We have learned to use our advanced theory to arm our minds and set up correct orld outlook, outlook on life and values. In the daily study and life, love the motherland, la-abiding, a strong sense of collective honor and team spirit, to respect teachers, unity, rades, helping others. In school care of public facilities, illing to care for and help others, the courage to criticize and self-criticism, and pragmatic spirit of enthusiasm to participate in public school publicity and patriotic activities.

In my life and ork, through a series of in-school activities and social practice activities, I get to kno more students. I also have the opportunity to municate ith other students and learn from them, to improve my munication skills and to improve myself. Of the human ability to behave, people take the long to make up their on short. At the ork, a serious and responsible, have better anizational skills, ork Tashi, hard orking, strong sense of responsibility, many times, excellent pletion of the CYL's propaganda activities and the Department of the campaign. In life, to develop a good living habits, life is full and structured, there is a strict attitude toards life and good attitude to life and life style, arm and generous, honest and trustorthy, helpful, have their on good aident principle, can And students live in harmony; actively participate in various extracurricular activities, hich continue to enrich their on experience. (This part of the actual situation in aordance ith their on simple to rite about their on universities have made representative achievements) My advantage is honesty, enthusiasm, character perseverance. I believe that integrity is the conduct of the country, so I have alays been to make their on demands, and promised to someone else's ork must be pleted on time. I personally think that their biggest draback is like one or even multi-purpose. (This part can be in aordance ith their actual situation as appropriate)

As a clothing professional graduates, I understand my shortings and advantages, four years I set a correct outlook on life, values and orld vie, but more I learned a lot of books can not learn the knoledge, acplishment and ability . I can use enthusiasm and vitality, self-confidence and knoledge to overe the difficulties of the post-graduate stage, and constantly realize the value of life and the pursuit of the goal, to achieve the future beauty of life!


I graduated from the blue deep vocational and technical schools, the Department of International Education advanced units of private education in Hunan Province School of advanced units. Life is like a bomb, just from the middle of the lost and confused. To no ill soon alk in the orkplace calm calm. Qingqing in the campus, the teacher 's teachings, the students' friendship makes me get a lot of knoledge, understand a lot of truth.

I am diligent and studious, diligent study hard, and strive to learn cultural knoledge, professional skills; ork seriously at ease, is seeking truth, honesty and trustorthiness, generous, ith a positive, disaffected strong state of mind. On the ideological and moral qualities I have a good idea.Won the "outstanding class cadres, outstanding members" and the honorary title. On the clothing draing, plate making, cad, etc. have a certain understanding, has repeatedly participated in social practice. As a graduate of secondary vocational school students, kno that three years of vocational life, laid the foundation of skills and knoledge, in the future I ill face many challenges, but I ill strength to overe it, from the refining , Enrich themselves and realize the values of life, I ill continue to strive to train themselves into a useful talent.


Four years of university life is ing to an end, revie the four years, it should be said that the harvest is multifaceted: professional knoledge has been greatly enriched, learning, ork, life skills have been very good training, ideological and political quality has been great , But also improve the ability to think, to enrich their on life experience.

During my four years at the university, I had studied the basics and skills of my major. During the school I mastered a strong professional knoledge, the end of the overall rating results ranked the forefront, on the school first and second class scholarships, and on the title of the school three good students. At the same time the theoretical knoledge to practice, and actively participate in various levels of petition and activities, aess to various aards and honorary titles. Skilled operation of office automation softare, photoshop, coreldra and pgm, oodcutter clothing plate-making softare. Smoothly through the national labor and social security department clothing intermediate skill examination.

In addition, there is a strong sense of service for teachers and students, ork actively and conscientiously, as members of the class anization during the active service for students, outstanding performance, for the class grade for the honor again and again. The main task of the school is to learn, so I have a strong professional knoledge, but more important is the application of theoretical knoledge to practice, in this respect I also have excellent performance. Through some of the apparel pany's visit to study and practice, so that I in-depth understanding of the clothing process and production management, aess to valuable ork experience. I am good at clothing design and clothing plate, sincerely hope to join your pany, I ill be full of enthusiasm and tenacity of the hard-orking, and colleagues sincere cooperation for the development of your unit to do their Mianbaozhili.

As a student I am also in the repaired academic focus on social practice.In practice, bined ith the theory of play, during the summer and inter vacation for various opportunities for internship, ork in the __ pany, hich has a solid foundation and a strong interest in my eek ith a variety of skilled design softare, After making a lot of excellent design, students and teachers alike.

I have a passion for the motherland and other fine traditions, a positive attitude toards life and a ide range of hobbies, strong sense of responsibility to ork, diligent and practical, a strong anization, publicity, a certain artistic cells and creativity, focus on teamork Spirit and collective concept. In the future job on the road I ill be more clear their career goals, a ne look for the munity, to meet the future, step forard a ne journey of life the first step.


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