
家政知识 2022-11-07 21:04www.17kangjie.cn家政服务公司




  Over the past year, under the correct leadership of the manager, ith the active support and great help from my colleagues, I have been able to strictly request myself to perform the duties of a foreman, suessfully plete the ork tasks, get the leadership affirmation and colleagues' To sum up a lot of gain.

  First, in the ork of learning, and constantly improve their level of business

  As a cashier foreman, first a cashier, only their high level of business, in order to in the support of colleagues, but also be able to bring good, manage the folloing staff. Although I have been orking as a cashier for three years and have achieved a certain result, these achievements are not enough. With the development of the supermarket, e have made ne demands on our cashier's ork. Through learning, First master the puter operating technology, alays for the folloing rades to do guidance.

  Second, do a good job of staff management, guidance, foreman, although not a big leader, but also in charge of a bunch of people, is the leadership of trust before I assume this important task, therefore, at ork, I alays on their strict Requirements, no matter ho, ith discipline, ill not tolerate acmodation, it is because I can be strict ith the la, bold management, but also in the life of care in the folloing staff, so they are very respect me, all obey me Of the management, a year don, our ork has been affirmed by the manager.

  Third, a reasonable arrangement of the cashier on duty, shift ork, the cashier's ork is not tired, but careful, so the cashier must at all times maintain a good attitude and exuberant energy. Therefore, in order to arrange for several staff, I alays rack their brains, both to make a good rest ashamed silver staff, but also can not affect the ork of the supermarket, but also take good care of their special circumstances.

  Fourth, do a good job, to the leaders share the orry, as a foreman, to the cashier level to solve the problem, I ill not go to trouble leadership, the supermarket event, but also from losing no time to report to the leadership request.

  This year, although the ork has made certain achievements, but there are many development space, I believe, as long as I and our cashier to ork together, ill certainly do a better job.


  After 2xx-x years have passed, I entered xx has been a full to years, although halfay had left for to months, but I ill cherish my choice - to be a qualified cashier.

  I remember once heard such a sentence: "The more difficult place, the more able to exercise the ill of the people, the more people can feel full." Xx came to ork more to feel the meaning of this sentence. Basically, every day at the same checkout for a fe hours, in the face of countless customers, of hich the hardship is self-evident. But I did not give up, especially in our shop, each time to take turns to the back door to ork, it is inter, e suffered the cold is to be imagined. Every time I go to the back door to ork, hands, feet all frozen sollen, the summer sun direct us, but I did not give up over insistence. "The customer is God," the purpose of cashiers in this ordinary post, the burden on the shoulder is not light: the same day a repeat of the ork, but also to explain to customers all their questions, and no matter ho harsh the customer said , Must learn to endure all the grievances in my heart.

  In the past ork, e alays encounter some problems, such as modity price and puter does not match, e should promptly notify the team to verify, and to ask the patience of customers, there must be a smile service, hen you Smile to customers, no matter ho dissatisfied ith our customers, this time his mood ill be folloed by sunny. Smile is the most charming expression, a smile does not charge a penny to give a lot of people kno ho to smile on life, ill have a beautiful life, hen you smile hen the orld is smiling to you. Then there is to pay attention to language art: "Do not quarrel ith the customer, not insult, sarcasm, satire customers."

  The above is hat I feel most in the ork, I hope I can ork in the future to do so. I believe that as long as all our staff ork together, xx tomorro ill be more brilliant!


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