
家政知识 2022-11-07 21:04www.17kangjie.cn家政服务公司




  Time off quickly, blink of an eye, I ent to Hengyuan pany project department, has more than six months.In these days, suess, failure, joy, and distress. In the leadership of the care and guidance, colleagues in the full support and help, my ability to ork has been greatly improved.

  From the unit, I kno their on shortings and the direction of the effort, no in the project department engaged in the measurement of construction tests and so on. In addition to the ork of the Ministry of Construction, , To learn more about my colleagues ork knoledge and munication. I kno that their experience and experience are inadequate, practice is also very flaed, but do not kno I asked, and aess to information and draings, colleagues in the office and the leadership of the help, feel that they learned these days Many, every day is full. No the ork of these days to do a self-assessment.

  1, 1, to study hard and continuously improve professional petence. At ork, serious study of professional knoledge, practice and theory ill be bined, continue to aumulate experience, a lot of professionals, technical staff advice, and constantly enrich themselves;

  2, abide by the rules and regulations, these days, their ork is not afraid of hardship, not afraid of tired, learning excellent staff approach, more to see more to listen to more questions, carefully to plete the construction test of the ork tasks; , Unity of colleagues, ork together, colleagues, harmonious relations, unity and fraternity, mutual help, mutual respect and understanding;

  4, due to their lack of ork experience in the ork of the lack of practical experience, quality inspection ork done inadequate, through the subsequent aumulation of learning and practice, and more to my colleagues to learn, this is my future ork to make good efforts direction.

  Second, the attitude in the professional, everyone has a motivated heart, I not only ork for the pany, orking for the boss, I ork for themselves, I believe they can do a very hot heart, a pair of very Hard - orking hands. On the one hand I should not rigidly adhere to some things, to be good at breakthroughs, creative ideas, but also to the overall situation, the team as the most important, can not be too personal. And then later in the process of doing things to pay attention to the method, so as to make ork more efficient and reduce unnecessary duplication of ork, things ill do better. In the professional field, I have been orking in the project department of the pany. With the help of my colleagues, I have gained more and more knoledge through professional efforts and ork experience.

  3, revie these days, I seriously study the professional knoledge of road and bridge, study diligently, holeheartedly, courteous, arm, patiently anser the problems in the ork, and in practice to improve their quality and professional level, and strive to gro As a qualified Hengyuan employees. These days, let me on their on jobs and the pany's advantages of resources, have a more profound understanding and understanding, hich can be more quickly adapt to their jobs, give full play to their initiative, in the future ork andLife, I believe that through their on efforts, in the future ork, I ill gro into a professional and responsible staff, to bee the object of learning for others to contribute to the pany. With the increase in their orking days, to achieve their goals, reflecting the value of their lives, and the pany gro together. I ill use modest attitude and full of enthusiasm to do my job, create value for the pany, ith the pany to look forard to a better future!


  I alays adhere to the Marxist-Leninist position, viepoint and methodology, the use of dialectical materialism and historical materialism to analyze and observe things, distinguish right from rong, insist on truth, adhere to the correct orld outlook, outlook on life, values, ith the correct orld outlook, , Values guide their on learning, ork and life practice, and actively build in the ideological defense against bourgeois democracy and liberalization, money orship, liberalism and other corrosive erosion of the solid line of defense.Love the motherland, love the Chinese Communist Party, love of socialism, support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, support reform and opening up, firmly believe that socialism ill eventually defeat capitalism, socialism is full of confidence.Conscientiously implement the party's line, principles, policies, to speed up the cause of socialist construction conscientiously do their job. Work proactively, hard-orking, defying difficulties, due diligence, in the ordinary orkplace to make hatever contribution.Adhere to seek truth from facts, and constantly improve their political and ideological consciousness and level, continue to explore and pursue.

  Over the past year, I have insisted on taking Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of the 'Three Represents' as our guide, conscientiously study and understand the spirit of the 17th CPC National Congress, and implement and firmly establish the scientific concept of development. Study the spirit of the 17th Congress, bined ith the actual ork of surveying and mapping, and constantly improve their understanding of ideas, deepen theoretical knoledge, firm ideals and beliefs, enhance the sense of purpose.And further firmly established the Marxist orld outlook, outlook on life, values. Work to be able to party members of the standards themselves, based on their on, from my start, ork conscientiously, adhere to the ground, the ground, the ground attendance, conscientiously perform their duties and creative ork, the better the pletion of the objectives of the task . Work style can be in aordance ith the "to musts" requirements, carry forard the arduous struggle and modest and prudent ork style. Uphold the party's line, principles, policies and resolutions, abide by the provisions of the party constitution, fulfill the obligations of party members, abide by the party's discipline, and alays standardize their ords and deeds ith the standards of party members. In the specific ork, it has alays centered on serving the party's central task as the goal, to do their best to plete their ork and tasks.

  Second, the ork summary

  Just to ork, I can only do some supplementary ork, ith my colleagues to ork, listen to arrangements, and I ork on this sudden strength and ork environment, there are many do not adapt. Every day to go back to ork, but also to do ork in the industry, physical and psychological are a bit too much, but also sloly used, since their choice of this industry, the diligent, don-to-earth , The only ay to realize their on value in life.Although the period of time more difficult, but I have a great harvest, I got a lot from the practice can not be obtained from the experience of the textbooks, from the use of measuring instruments, ography outside the industry to note the details and indoor terrain Figure system has a systematic understanding. I have benefited greatly from the experience of my colleagues in the pilation and preparation of the field. I have gained an overall understanding of the surveying ork, kno the basic methods and basic ork of the surveying ork, and exercised my hard-orking spirit. , Which for my future ork also played a significant role in promoting, ill also be my future ork in a fortune. In the hands of the old staff to teach and I earnestly study, and gradually mastered some of the basic expertise and ork skills, and began to plete some simple projects independently.

  After the ork, I still did not let themselves slack. I realized that in today's ever-changing science and technology, petition is being more and more intense. Only by constantly learning ne knoledge, mastering ne skills, and constantly improving their business level and ork skills can e meet the needs of the ork and adapt to the development of society. And constantly to the experienced colleagues to ask their on technology has not really mastered the skills or skills, and learn to use, the ork process of some of the information is also collected and collated into the information needed to prepare; spare time to look at some professional books, Vie some professional ebsite, learn and master some advanced technical knoledge; also look at some management or other books or ebsites, learn a variety of knoledge, improve their prehensive ability. In the future ork, I ill continue through the study and practice, improve their on quality, so that their progress and social development in sync to meet the needs of the ork. I kno that as an engineering and technical personnel in the ork must have a correct attitude, rigorous scientific style.


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