
家政知识 2022-11-07 21:05www.17kangjie.cn家政服务公司




Noadays the idea of cloning humans has raised concern internationally.People have different attitudes toards it.

Some people ho are in favour of human cloning believe it is of benefit. Itcan bring hope for those ho can’t give birth to babies. By replacing thedamaged parts or ans, cloning ill bring those ho are disabled or sufferfrom diseases a chance to recover. Besides, it can relieve those ho lost theirrelatives by cloning the dead.

Hoever, others ho are against human cloning think cloning must beforbidden. First, human cloning goes against the la of nature. Secondly, no onecan foresee hat results cloning may bring. Thirdly, it has challenged questionsof morality. Will you call a cloned father father or brother?

In my opinion, cloning can bring hope or do harm as ell. A la must bepassed to limit cloning study to ensure it benefits man.


Dear Terry,

This is Li Hua. I am riting this very letter to formally response to yourformer letter inquiring about local customs in China. And from my perspective,in order to help you behave decently, the folloing suggestions are supposed tobe folloed.

First and for most, you are supposed to arrive a bit earlier. Thus, you canjoin your friend’s families to prepare the dinner – you needn’t do anything, andjust being ith them is fair enough. Furthermore, it is advisable for you tobring some small gifts, like a book. Last but not least, please do remember thatlet the senior be served first.

Hopefully, you could enjoy your meal ith your Chinese friend and hisfamilies. And please feel free to contact me, if you have any furtherquestions.

Best regards!


As e all kno,the 16th Asian Games ill be held in Guangzhou in 2010.Asthe host city,Guangzhou is making its every effort to prepare for it.And as acollege student in Guangzhou,I've been looking forard to its ing andexpecting to be a volunteer to do something for it.No I ould like to tell youabout me.My name is Wangshan,I'm a girl of 21 years old,studying in GuangzhouSports College.I am good at English and municating,ready to help others andhave a good understanding of the city.I think I can do the job ell and offerthe best services.Dear sirs,ould you please give me a chance to makecontribution to the Guangzhou Asian Games?

Thank you!


As a major channel of consumption information, the rating is an efficientsource of information for shopping in our on consumption.

Interestingly, the same rating may have different influences on differentconsumers.

I tend to consult consumption ratings hatever I purchase. Firstly, thehigher rating means the higher quality of the product, or better service.

Based on the ratings, I bought my beloved backpack, sa interesting filmsand tasted delicious foods.

Secondly, ratings can save time to make decisions in shopping. For example,there are huge amounts of reference books hich I am often confused to choosefrom. In that case, it is both convenient and economical to buy books aordingto the ratings.

There is no doubt that it is unise to depend pletely on the ratings inconsumption. The advantages and disadvantages of ratings are often closelyrelated. It is necessary to hold an objective attitude toards ratings.


Dream and Reality

The beautiful legeng ,Chang'e flying to zhe moon, implies the dream ofChinese to explore the Moon . For thousands of years ,e Chinese have beenorking hard for it one generation after another . The moon orbiter ,Chang’eOne,is named after the fairy . And the suessful launch marks the nation'sfirst step toards realizing its dream of exploring the Moon.

Indeed,I'vegot to learn a lot from this historycal event . First of all ,eneed dreams in our life ,for they are the primitive drive to everything .Then eshould follo our dreams and nevergive up.At the same time e have to be aarethat the path to any suess may not be easy to go though .Yet hatever e do,e should believe “Where there is a ill ,there is a ay ." And then try ourbest to make our dreams e true.


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