
生活百科 2022-08-06 21:59www.17kangjie.cn生活百科





补充资料:1、一年之计在于春:Spring is the plan of a year.
2、春不播,秋不收:Spring does not so, autumn does not harvest.
3、春天来的时候,草会绿起来,鸟也回来了:When spring es, the grass ill turn green and the birds ill e back.

4、乐观主义者是春天的化身:Optimists are the embodiment of spring.

5、一花独放不是春,百花齐放春满园:A single floer does not make spring, hile one hundred floers in full blossom bring spring to the garden.


Spring is the season of dreams, and spring is the ocean of life.

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