
生活百科 2022-08-07 10:37www.17kangjie.cn生活百科

Edeleiss 雪绒花

Edeleiss, Edeleiss雪绒花,雪绒花

Every morning you greet me每天早晨你都欢迎著我

Small and hite, clean and bright小而白,洁又亮

You look happy to meet me你看起来好像很高兴遇见我

Blossom of sno may you bloom and gro雪白的花朵,你盛开茁壮

Bloom and gro forever永远开放、成长

Edeleiss, Edeleiss雪绒花,雪绒花

Bless my homeland forever要永远保佑我的国家

small and hite, clean and bright小而白,洁又亮

you look happy to meet me你看起来好像很高兴遇见我

blossom of sno may you bloom and gro雪白的花朵,你盛开茁壮

bloom and gro forever永远开放、成长

edeleiss, edeleiss雪绒花,雪绒花

bless my homeland forever要永远保佑我的国家

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