one day歌词(Bessie Johnson的《One Day》 歌词)

生活百科 2022-08-07 10:37www.17kangjie.cn生活百科

歌曲名:One Day

歌手:Bessie Johnson

专辑:Memphis Gospel: Complete Works (1927-1929)

One Day 有一天


sometimes I lay 有时我躺在

under the moon 月光下

and thank God I'm breathing 感谢上帝让我活在这世上

then I pray 然后我祈祷

don't take me soon 不要那么快的让我逝去

cause i'm here for a reason 因为我有留下的理由

sometimes in my tears I dron 有时我会流下眼泪

but I never let it get me don 但那从不会让我消沉

so hen negativity surrounds 所以每当这些情绪围绕在我身边

I kno some day it'll all turn around 我都知道这些终将过去

because 因为

all my live I've been aiting for 美好的生活在等待着我

I've been praying for 我一直在祈祷

for the people to say 像人们所期待的一样

that e dont anna fight no more 人们之间不再有争斗

they'll be no more ars 世上不再有战争

and our children ill play 让我们的孩子快乐的玩耍

one day x6 有一天

it's not about 这并不是意味着

in or lose 谁赢谁输

e all lose 因为我们都已失去

hen they feed on the souls of the innocent 当战争吞噬了无辜的灵魂

blood drenched pavement 当走在被鲜血染红的路面

keep on moving though the aters stay raging 当面对海啸的袭来

in this maze you can lose your ay (your ay) 面对这些时你会失去方向

it might drive you crazy but dont let it faze you no ay (no ay) 虽然这些可能会使你变得疯狂,但不要让这些影响你前进的方向

sometimes in my tears I dron 有时我会流下眼泪

but I never let it get me don 但那从不会让我消沉

so hen negativity surrounds 所以每当这些情绪围绕在我身边

I kno some day it'll all turn around 我都知道这些终将过去

because 因为

all my live I've been aiting for 美好的生活在等待着我

I've been praying for 我一直在祈祷

for the people to say 像人们所期待的一样

that e dont anna fight no more 人们之间不再有争斗

they'll be no more ars 世上不再有战争

and our children ill play 让我们的孩子快乐的玩耍

one day x6 有一天

one day this all ill change 直到有一天这一切改变

treat people the same 人们以诚相待

s ith the violence 不再有暴力

don ith the hate 彼此不再有憎恨

one day e'll all be free 有一天我们都将拥有自由

and proud to be 自豪的躺在

under the same sun 同一片阳光之下

singing songs of freedom like 为自由而歌唱

one day x4 有一天

all my live I've been aiting for 美好的生活在等待着我

I've been praying for 我一直在祈祷

for the people to say 像人们所期待的一样

that e don't anna fight no more 人们之间不再有争斗

they'll be no more ars 世上不再有战争

and our children ill play 让我们的孩子快乐的玩耍

one day x6 终会有这么一天

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