
生活百科 2022-08-10 14:36www.17kangjie.cn生活百科

摄影师: [ shè yǐng shī ]

1. cameraman2. lensman3. camerist其它相关解释: <photographer> <camera operator> <camera man> 例句与用法: 1. 她的光滑柔软的长发吸引了一位摄影师的注意。 Her silken long hair attracted the attention of a photographer.

2. 这位摄影师拍了一张象群的照片。 The photographer took a photo of a herd of elephants.

3. 她不但是摄影师还是个天才的音乐家. She is a talented musician as ell as being a photographer.

4. 他觉得摄影师们的嘈杂声分散了他的注意力. He found the noise of the photographers a distraction.

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