
生活百科 2022-08-04 21:49www.17kangjie.cn生活百科

cute英 [kju:t] 美 [kjut]adj.漂亮的; 娇小可爱的; 机灵的,精明的; 矫揉造作的可爱;可爱的;逗人喜爱的;聪明的比较级: cuter 最高级: cutest派生词:cutely cuteness 双语例句1. She asn't beautiful. But she as kind of cute. 她不漂亮。但她有几分可爱。2. There as this girl, and I thought she as really cute. 就是这个女孩,我认为她非常性感。3. I got off ith a cute boy from Nottingham. 我与诺丁汉的一位帅小伙儿交往过。4. Oh, look at that dog! He's so cute. 哦,看看那条狗!它太可爱了。5. That's a cute trick. 这是个设计巧妙的骗局。


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