
生活百科 2022-08-05 13:39www.17kangjie.cn生活百科


I do the same thing I told you that I never ould

我答应你永远不会做的事情 却都背着你做了

I told you I'd change even hen I kne I never could

我答应你会改过自新 即使我心里清楚自己不会照做

I kno that I can't find nobody else as good as you

我知道 我再找不到像你这么好的爱人

I need you to stay need you to stay hey

我想要你留下来 留在我身边


I get drunk ake up I'm asted still

我喝得烂醉 睡了一觉 依然没有清醒

I realize the time that I asted here


I feel like you can't feel the ay I feel


Oh I'll be f**ked up if you can't be right here

如果你不在我身边 我会变得一团糟

Oh ooh-oah

Oh ooh-oah ooh-oah

Oh ooh-oah

Oh ooh-oah ooh-oah

Oh ooh-oah

Oh ooh-oah ooh-oah

Oh I'll be f**ked up if you can't be right here

如果你不在我身边 我会变得一团糟

I do the same thing I told you that I never ould

我答应你永远不会做的事情 却都背着你做了

I told you I'd change even hen I kne I never could

我答应你会改过自新 即使我心里清楚自己不会照做

I kno that I can't find nobody else as good as you


I need you to stay need you to stay hey

我想要你留下来 留在我身边

I do the same thing I t


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