
家政知识 2022-11-07 19:28www.17kangjie.cn家政服务公司




After a semester of baptism, I deeply feel that hen a teacher is not simple, being a teacher is not simple. Require an infinite love, patience, and more importantly, such as needle-like fine mind can create transfer children thrive good education environment.

Class ork is ork manager, I face is vibrant, thinking, feeling, a strong desire for self-expression graders, so a semester, give me the most intense experience is: class teacher ork have both macro management group, but also a micro personality development; also have a strong forard-looking; to ork more meticulous in place, the only ay to make the overall development of students in health class. As a first grade teacher, I am against our class lively features, do the folloing ork:

First, strengthen general education, training the children's consciousness.

He recalled the case of the first month of school, and is more difficult. Day, such as "hen hatching" Usually sitting in class. From sit-stand, raise their hands, queuing, dining etc. You teach from. A eek later, the students gradually learned hen every day as anything. So, I bine the ork of planning, the use of the morning meeting, the class ill equal time, from discipline, learning, health, safety, humanities, etc., the students standardization of education, so that they understand that hat to do, not to do hat things . Over time, the student code of conduct much progress has been basically adapted to primary school life.

Second, more recognition and more incentives to stimulate the child's self-motivated.

Daily morning reading lesson, I ill encourage children to read the text in his on ay, and in the course of the inspection tour, the students studying seriously big praise, class time called them before talk about the heart, admire their merits. Students' enthusiasm increase every morning reading lesson they learn from reading the text. Daily cleaning of classrooms and other habits, and I ill follo the method of reard morning reading sessions and a prehensive evaluation at the end of one eek to, or have done ell in all aspects of progress in certain aspects, in particular bad habits get rid of some, I ill aard them a star, they spur the use of the child's self-motivated. Praise the children see the class standings stars are particularly happy, and some of them even to the class in the morning to the time to be careful not to see the stars are out.

Third, and parents more contact, more exchanges and jointly promote the child's development.

I think that a person can not survive ithout affecting the family. The impact on the child's teacher and then a big, if not the response and cooperation of the family, must be eak in. So I often use hen parents pick up the child, and parents municate, to express their vies on the child's education, reflecting the child's performance in school and to make some suggestions and so on.

Unknoingly passed a semester, the students into the school from no, e can say the children's progress is great, ill learn, express, ith teachers, students exchange, can take the initiative in health class, and some small hen cadres have a kind of mold, and can pare and abide by the rules and regulations of the school.

Fourth, do the ork of transforming backard students

Our class, there are a fe underachiever. Aordingly, Conversion underachiever is an essential ork of the teacher. I think of poor students should be given special care. To do ideologically non-discrimination, not emotionally tired, the attitude is not rude. Poor students to use their on piece of sincere love, go knocking on the door of their heart. To be good at discovering their shine. For example: in the classroom do not riveted honors, should give underachiever create conditions to encourage them to raise their hands to speak, be given prompt recognition, reards, so that they can confidently face learning. Extracurricular active counseling, and more contact ith parents for joint home-school students to create a good learning environment, but also to promote the class learning environment.

Fifth, often made ith the classroom teachers to contact, to understand students' learning, collaborative student learning purpose of education is to stimulate interest in learning, hard to learn the ill of the Church to learn, to learn all the subjects, and master academic burden on students amount.

Through the above orking class students discipline, learning, health, daily behavioral norms and so have a greater change, education for the future ork to lay the foundation. Of course, the orking class is a science, you need to continue to explore, in the future I ill continue to ork, due diligence and do this ork.


Time flies, a semester is soon over, look back six months can say hectic and gain a lot. Thanks for all school leaders and teachers care and help to make progress and I have to improve in all aspects. Next, I ork for the past six months to do a brief revie and summary of the folloing aspects.

one. Ability to ork

1. In the teaching process has alays been implementing the concept of the ne education curriculum reform. Aurate understanding and firmly grasp the core concept of the ne curriculum, so that the classroom to life, for students living in the orld and social practice. To independence, cooperation and explore ays of learning to enable students to participate in the teaching, so that the classroom is full of ne vitality.

2. The stringent requirements of students, respect for students, promote the teaching of democracy, so that students learning anything, and continuously improve, so as to continuously improve their teaching and ideological consciousness, suessfully pleted the task of teaching.

3. The teaching process as teachers and cooperation, interaction and mon development, to achieve the integration of Teachers' Role Shifting, curriculum and instruction, effectively improve the teaching ability.

to. Business learning

1. Strengthen theoretical, empirical articles, and the outline of learning. More learning, extensive learning education teaching theoretical knoledge, efforts to form a more plete theoretical knoledge structure,

2. Participate seriously in every teaching and research activities, and seriously make a record.

3. Outstanding teachers to observe school curriculum, and do a good job recording and analysis. Problems in the teaching process involved should take the initiative to consult an experienced and excellent teachers learn from each other.

4. More specifically research, done carefully prepare each lesson, and study materials, and strive to better each lesson. In the preparation process of careful analysis of materials, design lesson plans based on the actual situation of teaching materials and student characteristics. In the classroom, trying to mobilize the enthusiasm of the students, as much as possible so that each student participate in the classes.

5. Do a good job teaching reflection, so that learning - practice exchange --- --- summarized. Serious reflection and good record, record your on shortings to be improved and part of correct and timely, so that I can do in the teaching process eaknesses, for every time there is progress, to reinforce the foundation.

6. Increased reading time, more books, more records. After school, I insist often read books and nespapers, such as "young teachers", "ne education", "moral education" and other magazines and nespapers. Multi-capture all aspects of information, constantly filling and make up their on to improve their on gold prehensive cultural knoledge. To understand the dynamic information of teaching, often the Inter to find some excellent lesson plans courseare learning, strive to improve their teaching level, so I gain a lot, both on the students and interpersonal skills, or arrange classroom teaching, I there had been substantial progress.

7. Improve courseare making skills, and take advantage of the school's multimedia teaching equipment, idely used in teaching.

three. Aspects of personal qualities

1. Continuous learning and thinking, improve their professional and ethical standards.

2. Hands, aording to the direction of professional ethics to do to promote further improve the quality of self and perfection.

3. Introspective self-test, the importance of personal language, instruments, and other aspects of the specification and correct, and constant self-reflection, to better fulfill a teacher standards.

The above is my summary of self-improvement of the semester, this semester's ork, although ing to an end, but in the future of education and teaching, I ill continue to ork hard to true love and true heart to fulfill my educational duties.


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