
家政知识 2022-11-07 21:04www.17kangjie.cn家政服务公司




  I am from 20xx 6 years 6 years to enter into this pany, and today has been three months, through the three months of understanding and learning, I have mastered the ork I have to do. No these three months of ork for the folloing identification:

  First, pay great attention to the surrounding colleagues to learn, pay attention everyhere in the ork, see more, more thinking, more learning, ith a faster pace familiar ith the pany's situation, better into our group.

  Second, at ork, good at thinking and found some documents in dealing ith problems, they first municate ith colleagues, colleagues and share their ideas, can solve the solution out, can not solve the submitted superior, at the same time Their vies provide a reference.

  Third, enthusiastic to anser questions asked by colleagues. I think our ability to improve, our pany ill improve the overall.

  In short, after three months of probation, I think I can be active, active, skilled to plete their ork in the ork to find problems, and actively cooperate ith the requirements of the pany to ork, and colleagues can be very good Coordination and coordination. In the future ork I ill, as alays, people: people ith good ork, to perfect, and constantly upgrade their level and the overall quality, ith a vie to the development of the pany to do their part.


  Step into × × × Limited family has been orking for some time, a six-month trial period has been draing to a close. First of all thank the pany to sho me the ability to realize their on value opportunities. This time is a valuable experience in my life, but also left me a onderful and beautiful memories. From beginning to end, I have been orking ith a modest, conscientious and responsible attitude.

  As an aounting firm out of the auditors, although ith a certain degree of financial and external audit expertise, but the enterprise internal audit ork and I am a familiar and unfamiliar areas, it is familiar because some Internal audit is the audit of its financial statements for me, pared ith the external audit there are many similarities, it is strange that part of the internal audit ork and external audit have different essential difference. I do not kno here they are familiar ith the side I have experienced colleagues to ask, alays pay attention to, see more, more thinking, more learning. Gradually familiar ith the ork, and into the group. Ideologically, consciously abide by the pany's rules and regulations, learning the pany's corporate culture, and actively participate in the pany's training.Consciously strengthen theoretical study, and strive to improve the quality of political ideology. Requires a positive progress, love the pany's assets, has been a rigorous attitude and enthusiasm to join in the study and ork.

  After nearly six months of ork and study, although the harvest is quite good but there are still many deficiencies. The first is in the daily ork of the innovative spirit of the play is not ideal. Secondly, it is not enough for the pany's internal audit to be active. In the course of the ork, it should propose the ne audit project and formulate the related audit goal. At the same time, the related audit plan and goal should be made. Integration pany × × × × the goal.


  Time to go aay, three months of a pause beteen the sound of the passage of time, hen the need to return to the oasion of the summary of the day suddenly aare of the rush. The original quite coy, and no gradually bee a natural. No the ork has gradually bee a natural, perhaps should be a lucky, this is my precious experience in life, but also left me a onderful and beautiful memories.

  At ork, familiar ith the pany's rules and regulations and office softare, do not make mistakes, through constant site to understand and observe, understand the site construction process, ho to find the problem, and ho to solve. In the course of my ork, I ill continue to ask experienced colleagues and leaders to learn their on technology or skills have not really mastered, and apply their knoledge of the ork process of some of the information collected, converted into data to prepare for the required ; Spare time using a variety of channels to learn and master ne knoledge and ne skills.

  "Gold ithout gold, no one is perfect." In the short period of three months of the trial period, although I gro a lot, but there are many shortings, mainly in: First, lack of practical experience in future ork need to continue to study hard. Second, the exchange ith the leadership is not enough, there are many ideas not to report to the leadership, in the future ork remains to be strengthened. Third, the theoretical level is not high, but also need to actively participate in all levels of training, aess to literature to enrich themselves. Fourth, also ith some of the school's habits, so that did not go ith good ork, there are some problems. More than three months of probation don, their on efforts, but also improved a lot, learned a lot of things not previously, I think this is not only ork, more importantly, gave me a chance to learn and exercise.

  Results have bee the past, the future belongs to their on. In the future ork, I ill ork harder, hard to fe ahead, and strict demands on themselves, get rid of some bad habits, and constantly realistic and innovative, and constantly hone their on, humbly ask, seize the time to learn, practice in learning, In the summary of progress, progress in the groth, improvement in the groth. Do my best to do a good job, and strive to achieve greater results.


  No the ork has gradually bee a matter of course, this may be a lucky, it is orth a memorable experience. More than a month of probation don, their efforts, but also a lot of progress and learned a lot of things not previously, I think this is not only ork, more importantly, gave me a chance to learn and exercise. In the help and support of various departments, I do a good job co-ordination and upload ork, to ork in front, do the first, hether ork capacity, or the quality of thinking has been further improved, better pleted the pany propaganda , Personnel management, staff training, file management, logistics services and corporate security and other aspects of the task. In order to strengthen the management of people, money and materials, I improved various management systems in the past, highlighted the system management, strictly aording to regulations, to further clarify the ork responsibilities, improve the use of official seals, paper use, puter use, leave, duty Various routine management, fully reflects the management of people do not thinking, the ork orderly.

  Do the ork of the Office, a higher theoretical quality and analytical ability to solve problems. Learning through various means, for hich the offices are equipped ith puters, the use of online resources to learn and ork-related knoledge, and constantly broaden their horizons, rich minds, enhance their ability to keep up ith the development of the situation to meet the needs of the ork. Improve the theoretical level, professional quality and ability to ork.

  Willing to ork ith others, have a strong teamork skills; strong sense of responsibility, and indeed plete the ork of the leadership of the delivery, the ork of the ork of self- And the pany colleagues to ork together, the relationship beteen harmony and harmony, ith the department head suessfully pleted the ork.

  Xx ork in the days, I gradually fell in love ith this place, like the job, ant to sloly gro up here to bee a qualified official Xx in the staff, a month of study and ork, let me Groing a lot in the future I ill continue to ork, as alays, to maintain a good style, and constantly improve themselves and make some suess.

  Four years of university study, learn more professional basic knoledge and then is a self-learning ability, and practical experience, social experience is very scarce. As a graduate, the beginning of the pany, have been very orried about ho I do not kno ho to coexist, ho to do a good job, but the pany relaxed and harmonious orking atmosphere, good learning development opportunities, so I quickly pleted from students to staff . Can correctly face the setback, dialectical look at the problem. Work can alays maintain a positive attitude, and strive to ork.

  The past year is a year of constant learning and enrichment, a year of active exploration and gradual groth. Of course, entering the orkplace, inevitably inexperienced, in business knoledge, and their on ork requirements there are still some gaps. But these experiences also let me continue to mature, in dealing ith a variety of issues to consider a more prehensive, professional skills have been strengthened. Here, I ould like to thank the leadership of the pany and my colleagues to cultivate the guidance of my induction and help, for their mistakes in my ork reminders and corrections. I also kno that graduation is only a small step in school, society is a real university. In future ork, I ill strive to identify their on position, to do their best to contribute to the pany for the pany to create real ealth, but also for their on to seek a greater progress.

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