
家政知识 2022-11-07 21:04www.17kangjie.cn家政服务公司




To do a mechanic, to deal ith their ork to understand a clear, familiar and skilled in their on ork. Have all the machines and equipment to understand, but also have the ability to respond to failure, deal ith the equipment may our at any time failure. To meet the needs of the production schedule, our unit of equipment, although the ne equipment, but also frequent failures, such as machine ashing machine, no major problems, minor problems in the maintenance process, and gradually improve the machine cleaning Machine aareness, so that small problems can be dealt ith quickly, as ell as liquid sandblasting machine, in use, there is alays a failure to plug the nozzle, so that can not ork, broken through the brain, after operator description Cause of the failure, my analysis, the glass beads used in diameter than in the past, and the specifications are not uniform, resulting in a blocked nozzle, after a bold improvement, increasing the nozzle aperture, the liquid blasting machine is normal ork ,

The tunnel cleaning machine, alays produces the transmission chain does not move, before the adjustment of friction, you can, but once, ho to adjust the friction, does not ork, after analysis, that the friction coefficient is not enough, Found, and sure enough inside the oil, after careful cleaning, remove the oil, everything is normal, and so a series of maintenance ork, e must understand the principle of equipment in order to good maintenance, hich is my years of experience in maintenance , I do not understand, I have to try to study, once understood, they suddenly realized, looks plicated, as long as understand, it ill be simple, I not only bear the equipment maintenance ork, but also pleted a lot of tooling Production, for example, several engine-based experimental bench design, mobile engine racks, and so on dozens of pieces, this year e re-manufacturing engine varieties increased a lot, not before these test benches, the orkshop don

The task, e immediately aept, and actively to plete, from conception, to the leadership through the design intent, and then cutting the elding, production, and so on, until the engine is placed, missioning, delivery, each engine model Of the experiment to go through our first course, like the troops did not move for the first horse, hen the civil servants of the various engines in the production of my bench to test, I feel very honored, thank the leadership to me Such a platform, but also feel the ork of their labor and excitement, but also for the development of our manufacturing pride, but these ill make me ork harder, modest and prudent to learn from others, as far as possible to improve their ability to ork , So that their on positions in the play to the greatest effect, faster and more efficient to plete their on ork, but also enable us to get the maximum benefit units, so that my ork and the harvest of orkers can achieve a balance , So I am more motivated, more confident ork.

And other colleagues of interpersonal relationships is also important, because a person's ability is limited, the suess of each thing is by the collective isdom, and colleagues together is the suessful pletion of leadership to the ork of the premise, hich It is not just ork, but also in daily life. So it is not only personal but also a duty to ork together. I have a good relationship ith my colleagues. I often help each other because I only have one mechanic. There is a poer maintenance orkers, a good relationship, and I ork ith all my colleagues, I have great respect at ork, mutual cooperation, is to improve a lot of efficiency, for example, in the oil depot anti-theft indo, the test station Door, in the production of sandblasting beteen the asbestos roof hen the rain, give sandblasting beteen the elding air pressure pipe, e collectively ork together, mutual cooperation, active, so that the task is pleted very quickly, and this is the poer of unity , To play the poer of everyone in order to make ork progress faster. I deeply understand.

In the repair of the old and aste conservation, but also everyhere carefully, in the production of rain roof, ith the aste angle, in the elding air pressure pipe, the use of the aste plant threading pipe,


I entered the pany in the pany's ork, a pany's pilot employees, as the pany manager of the post, the main responsibility is to assist the pany to deal ith the affairs of the jurisdiction, involving the pany's human resources, administration, production and other matters . First of all thank the general manager and the pany all my colleagues in the ork of their strong support and help, but also for the pany to provide me ith a stage to display their talents. At the same time, through their on efforts, making the pany's production, administration and other aspects of the system has been further improved.

As a manager of a department, I kno my job is to assist the general manager of the ork, coordination beteen the various departments ork, improve the pany system and promote the production of a virtuous circle, so munication coordination, development of systems, tracking production My three major ork content. Communication and coordination is an essential factor for the survival and healthy development of the anization. Only by coordinating the ork among the various departments can the functions of the various departments be brought into full play and the smooth production of the enterprise can be guaranteed. System is to better maintain business order, to ensure the smooth operation of all aspects of business. The production is the fundamental business, to ensure the smooth progress of production to ensure that the pany is the largest corporate profit target

First came to the pany, the face of the pany's many problems, as assistant general manager of the task I feel heavy, heavy responsibility, greater pressure, and sometimes even fear that they can not plete the task given by the pany, can not achieve general manager Expectations for me. Hoever, there is pressure to poer. It is also based on this pressure, only gave me the poer to ork hard, so I alays ant to do their ork to the most perfect level, and sloly find the ork of self-confidence. In the process of ork, the pany colleagues gave me a great help, so I am in a very short period of time to be able to understand the pany, familiar ith the pany environment, so I can smoothly carry out the ork of the pany's system Is also an orderly ay to embark on a standardized road.

During this period of time, I have fulfilled my duties ith due diligence. I believe that everything I have done and my abilities have been felt by the general manager and all my colleagues in the pany. In this general manager to submit a positive application, I urge the general manager of careful consideration. If positive, I ill continue to use modest attitude and full of enthusiasm to do my job, create value for the pany, ith the pany to look forard to a better future!


During the school, I love the car repair industry, has served as a vehicle maintenance class learning members, in a number of campus car repair skills petitions to achieve excellent results.

At ork, I am serious and responsible for the ork, good munication, coordination, strong anizational skills and team spirit, optimistic, caring and good at teaching and learning in parallel; self-motivated, diligent learning can continuously improve their ability and prehensive Quality. Cheerful, positive; character calm and cheerful, treat people enthusiasm, affinity and strong, ith entrepreneurial spirit and team spirit, have a strong practical ability.

Good coordination and munication skills, strong adaptability, quick response, active, flexible, diligent, diligent, meticulous, practical, good teamork learning focus on the bination of theory and practice, has a considerable social practice ability, Of the dedication and sense of responsibility, able to face any difficulties and challenges.

I am engaged in maintenance for three years, proficient in soldering iron technology, hot air gun technology, skilled analysis of electronic circuits to explain, familiar ith the introduction of ne products into the maintenance ork flo and maintenance of all types of electronic products and abnormal analysis ork, Abnormal and able to analyze and plete the maintenance report.

Work hard, practical, meticulous and patient, self-motivated, hands-on ability, diligent thinking and summary, full of creativity; can endure hardship, have strong anizational skills and team spirit; cheerful, arm, Adapt to the environment and strong, easy to interact ith people.

I am arm and open-minded, can quickly adapt to the ne environment, learning ne knoledge, grasp the ne skills.

Give me a chance, I ill use my practical actions to confirm your choice, I believe your trust and my strength can bring us a mon suess!


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