
家政知识 2022-11-07 21:04www.17kangjie.cn家政服务公司




Time flies, the sun and the moon flies, nervous, full __-x years is ing. In this year, under the guidance of the leadership of care, ith the support of colleagues ith the help of my hard-orking to plete their on ork, but also suessfully pleted the task assigned by the leadership itself has improved in all aspects, are Will this year's study, ork, etc. to do the folloing self-identification:

First, focus on learning theory, improve their political quality

Usually pay attention to study and implement the party. . . . Spirit, and strive to practice the "Three Represents" important thought, and constantly improve their political theory, and strengthen the political ideology and moral qualities. We have carefully studied the Central Committee's Decision on Major Issues in Building Socialism and a Harmonious Society, and have gained a profound understanding of the construction of a harmonious society and put it into practical use in the construction of a harmonious society.

Second, strengthen learning, ork diligently, improve ork performance

In order to better adapt to the ork of the ne situation demands, reflect the prehensive implementation of the scientific concept of development requirements, this year I still clutching business learning, seriously study the "People's Republic of China Highay La", "Administrative Permission La" Management regulations "and other road management policies and regulations, to lead the older generation to learn their good experience, a good ay to further improve their level of business knoledge and ability.One-sided grasp of their ork business is not enough, I usually focus on other business units to learn # From the familiar ith the understanding of a variety of ork processes, in the multi-learning , More contact to enhance their business level, improve the efficiency, so that they better serve the munity and serve the people. During the day-to-day ork, I can strictly abide by the rules and regulations on the station, earnestly plete the higher level, the task assigned to the leadership. But also abide by the purpose of serving the people, so polite, arm service, patient and meticulous. Aording to the actual situation of ork to actively explore ne ideas and ne methods of ork, improve road traffic safety and capacity.Work over the deployment of super-governance as the focus of ork, and actively study the scientific and feasible governance measures.

Third, honesty and self-discipline

In the actual ork, he strictly abide by the Central, Sheng Municipal Committee on the construction of clean government and other aspects of the provisions, in aordance ith the "ten not alloed", "six are not alloed," the right to treat the hands of the poer, aording to the la, Aording to principles, civilized service. Adhere to establish a correct concept of poer and scientific development concept, strict self-discipline, just and strict, in aordance ith the rules and regulations, strict control of their on la enforcement behavior.

Overall, this year, I improved in all aspects. Although I have made some achievements, I have also realized that there are some shortings in my on life. The ne year is ing, and I alays stick to it. I ill try my best to overe shortings and respond to the call of the party and the government. Implement the scientific concept of development, and strive to participate in the construction of harmonious society, and effectively serve the masses.


This year, in charge of all levels and colleagues ith the guidance and help, I feel very fast groing. Their skills continue to improve at the same time, also kno that the electrode design needs to learn a lot.

No summarize the year-end summarized as follos:

1. Actively plete the tasks assigned to the petent arrangement, and the effective orking hours of more than 98.8% per day.

2. This year the ork of detailed, 365 days ithout exception.

3. Participation in the ork of the quality inspection ithin the group to help solve this group of colleagues in the design of the problem, the goods seized NG electrode ratio of only 0.1%.

4. Training and guidance of ne ork to help ne people understand the electrode design specifications, master the electrode design process, so that ne people faster into orking condition.

5. Eliminate a number of major security risks, to avoid the ourrence of abnormal.

6. Actively municate ith the site to optimize the design and processing programs to reduce unnecessary ork hours, effectively improve the design and processing efficiency.

7. Annual attendance zero anomaly, zero late, zero early leave, zero leave.

8. Update / produce electrode design copy materials, to facilitate the timely sharing of information

9. The production of video courseare for easy visual munication.

10. Write technical briefings, service team, and jointly improve.


____ years, I am keen on their on ork, strict demands on themselves, straighten the orkplace, alays keep humble, cautious, self-disciplined attitude, in the leadership of the cultivation of care and the help of colleagues to support, alays diligent study, proactive, Self-improvement, and alays ork hard, conscientiously plete the task, perform good job responsibilities, excellent performance in all aspects, has been the leadership and the masses affirmed. No a year to study and ork summarized the folloing:

First, self-discipline, and consciously strengthen party spirit, political and ideological consciousness to progress.

Over the past year, e have consistently applied Marxist-Leninist attitudes, perspectives, and methods to uphold the correct orld outlook, outlook on life and values, and used them to guide our on study, ork and life practice.Love the motherland, love the party, love of socialism, a firm belief in munism, and party anizations to maintain a high degree of consistency. Conscientiously implement the party's line, principles, policies, ork proactive, hard ork, not afraid of arduous, due diligence, hard orking, in ordinary ork to make hatever contribution.

First, earnestly study the important thinking of the Three Represents, thoroughly understand its scientific connotation, earnestly study the report of the 16th CPC National Congress and the spirit of the Third and Fourth Plenary Sessions of the 16th CPC Central Committee. In particular, in the second batch of educational campaigns to maintain the advanced nature of CPC members, hich began in July this year, e have carefully and systematically studied the Party's basic knoledge and various theoretical orks, further consolidated the theoretical foundations and advanced party spirit. Moral quality.

The second is to seriously learn business knoledge, and alays maintain a modest and eager attitude toards business knoledge of learning. Over the past year, under the guidance of the teacher Pan Xiangzhang, take the village households, to participate in the village representatives, seminars and other meetings, to production, construction site visits, learning a lot of rural ork methods, but also directly ith the masses directly Contact, really deep into the masses. Usually, more to see, ask, think, take the initiative to the leadership, to the masses to ask questions, ans of learning, a variety of ork meetings are a good opportunity for my study. In addition, seriously participate in various types of training, a year to participate in the civil service training, anti-drug urine training, e-government training, are excellent results through the assessment, skilled grasp of business skills. Business knoledge of the study so that I gre up in ork quickly.

Third, hard ork, conscientiously plete the task.

Over the past year, I alays adhere to strict demands on themselves, hard ork, alays bear in mind the purpose of serving the people holeheartedly, and strive to make their on ork. Because I rarely ork staff, especially in charge of the party and government office and prehensive management office of a fello, my task is more important, no ork mainly has to large, one party and government ork, One is the prehensive management of ork, in addition to part-time safety inspectors, food quality monitoring, thousands of members of the Office and other duties. A year of ork due diligence, hard orking, and strive to do a good job in the service ork, a good consultant assistant.


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