
家政知识 2022-11-07 21:04www.17kangjie.cn家政服务公司




Democracy, civilization and harmony from the national level; advocating freedom, equality, justice, and the rule of la from the social level; advocating patriotism, dedication, integrity and friendliness from the citizen level, forming a set of values into the system of the values of the socialist core values. These 24 ords reflect the national objectives, social orientation, personal standards, is the essence of socialism ith Chinese characteristics, is the inheritance of the fine tradition of Chinese culture is the integration of social forces, social consensus, resolve and resolve social conflicts Thought tool. Once published, it caused a ide range of resonance.

Noadays, the rapid development of social economy, the frequent exchange of ideas and culture, the continuous differentiation of interests demands, the intertined collisions of various values, bined ith the increase of people's choice, variability and difference, bureaucratism, money orship and hedonism. Constantly groing, making people's ideological pluralism, cohesion ideological consensus has bee increasingly difficult. In recent years, such as the fall of the elderly do not help, the bus should not seat, "this tour" of such issues in the debate, from a certain level, the refraction is the value of the conflict.

There is a saying: Trickle into the sea, plot soil mountain. Society consists of individuals, each person to choose hat values, the pursuit of hat kind of ideals and beliefs, uphold the moral bottom line, determines the foundation of the social values and outlook. In the face of the plex situation, social thought of the diverse and changeable concept, e increasingly need to gather a spiritual force in the various values of the confrontation and the game, to find people to kno the "greatest mon divisor" Unity of the spirit of the "core" to grasp the right direction, the formation of a strong development "together." It is of great practical significance and far-reaching historical significance to deepen excavation, cultivate and carry forard its on core values, and to unite all the people's consensus, hich is of great significance for promoting the prehensive development of man and leading the society in an all-round ay.

In the context of such a diverse social background, the implementation of the socialist core values requires the active participation of the hole society, from the resonance of people's thinking and convergence brought together from the development and progress of a strong positive energy. Ho to practice the core values in a pluralistic society? First of all, to clarify the connotation of the core values of socialism, so that the core values of socialism go deep into the hearts of the people. From the theoretical in-depth elaboration, hy the core values of socialism from the state, society, and citizens of three levels of interpretation? Inheritance of the Chinese culture hich tradition? Which reflects the nature of socialism ith Chinese characteristics? Let the masses truly understand the socialist core Values, and through school education, theoretical study, social propaganda and other means, the ide dissemination of the socialist core values, and create a favorable public opinion environment, the formation of a positive energy to stimulate a good atmosphere, only internalized in order to externalized Ro.Secondly, the leading cadres should take the lead in practicing the socialist core values. Although the broad masses of the people are the mainstay of practicing the core values of socialism, as the leading cadre of the Party members, the blacksmith needs to be hard, and must take the lead in practicing it. Put this task in an important position, standardize and demand itself ith core values; , Lead a good road, set an example, set an example, thus affecting more people, do the example of the socialist core values.Third, to speed up the institutionalization and dailyization of core values, ith the socialist core values as the guide, the socialist core values into the ork of the system, into the daily behavior of people in the rules, the peration of all life , Let people feel the socialist core values at any time, deepen the understanding and recognition of the socialist core values, in order to better practice the socialist core values.

The implementation of the socialist core values is a matter for all the citizens, is our conduct of the country, is our duty is more obligations. We should start from their on, from small things to start, everyone learn, everyone practice, so that the fine tradition of culture continue to flourish.



Core values embodied in the individual is a character, embodied in the family is a family tradition, embodied in the national society is the mon ideals and national spirit, it needs to learn to cultivate, but also need to consciously practice. As party members and cadres should consciously fulfill their obligations, fully understand their responsibilities, take the lead in the socialist core values learning, practice, publicity.

First, to do the lead learning model.

Cultivating and practicing the socialist core values is a major strategic task put forard by the 18th CPC National Congress. To make them into the brain and into the mind, and bee the conscious action of party members and cadres, e must first strengthen our study. Learning is to improve the quality of the main ays to increase their ability, but also do a good job, do a good job an important foundation. Party members and cadres through learning to broaden their horizons, increase their ability to improve their ork and serve the people's ability to learn by tempering the party, fing character, do all the temptations in front of unmoved; to learn to purify the mind, Sentiment, enhance morality and spiritual realm. In the study of the firm ideals and beliefs, in learning to add "the spirit of calcium", control the orld vie, outlook on life, values of the "total sitch", to get rid of ignorance narro, nurture rational thinking, and establish a noble pursuit of life. In addition, e must also take the lead in learning, continuous learning, learn first step, learn a step, a good example of hard ork.

Second, e should take the lead in the practice of pioneer.

Practice the core values of the call for Mo dry, not as good as action. Party members and cadres in addition to consciously practice the core values, but also to take the lead in doing good moral habits of the builders to do social civilization and progress of the promoters. One is to govern for the people.Party members and cadres, especially leading cadres, must be used for the people, for the benefit of the people, for the masses to do good ork, do hard ork, do not corrupt officials, not lazy officer, do not do official, clean, clear Clear, all the energy used in solving problems for the masses, for the ell-being. Second, the moral model. Official Germany to lead the people, the ind determines the style. Every party member and cadre should set a correct outlook on life and values aording to the requirements of the socialist core values, and consciously transform the orld outlook, strengthen party spirit and personality cultivation, and be self-policing, introspective, self-critical, prudent and prudent. , With their on ords and deeds of character and personality to lead the social atmosphere, and promote the formation of social morality, re-cultivation, is still clean good atmosphere. Third, to resist the unhealthy trend. Life has a political, fun look at the image. Life interest can directly reflect the morality of party members and cadres. The practice of socialist core values requires leading cadres to "live a decent life, taste the health, ethics, re-conduct." Therefore, e should pay attention to develop good hobbies, aay from the feasting feudalism and superstition, keep the "desire off", "friends off" against the erosion of the evil ind evil, in the cadres and the masses to sho good mental outlook, Effect ", passing" positive energy ".

Third, do the lead propaganda of the fire.

"Ming cicadas sound spectrum is far aay, ine is also afraid of the alley deep", the socialist core values to the ranks of cadres, in-depth people, can not do ithout publicity. Party members and cadres as the main force of propaganda, it is obliged to have the responsibility to join the "propaganda team", a good "planter." Publicity to have goals. Core values of the publicity not only for party members, for the cadres, but also for the masses, for the grassroots, the grassroots people is the core values of the vast majority of recipients and practitioners, good culture can not be separated group force and the mon role, From the masses of the values can only be rootless ood, ater ithout ater; publicity should focus. The core values of socialism must be guided by Marxism, e must strengthen the mon ideal of socialism ith Chinese characteristics, vigorously carry forard the national spirit of patriotism and the spirit of reform and innovation, but also firmly establish the "Eight Honors and Eight Disgraces" as the core of society The concept of honor and disgrace; publicity should be innovative.To the concept of innovation and means of innovation as the starting point, be good at using modern technology to publicize and guide the mainstream public opinion. To take the initiative to oupy the ork of this ne position of public opinion, the core values of the dissemination of better reflect the times, better grasp of the la, more creative.



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