
家政知识 2022-11-07 21:04www.17kangjie.cn家政服务公司




1, student self-evaluation

Students through their on knoledge and experience, the use of introspection bined ith the evaluation criteria for their performance evaluation. Self-evaluation of students includes self-evaluation of their participation in group cooperative learning, cooperation and munication, learning process and learning achievement. Through self-examination, students can reflect and realize their self-adjustment and progress.

Through the independent evaluation of students, so that students think about their performance throughout the course of the event, talk about feelings, talk about the harvest, hile able to understand their on lack of activities in the process, clear their future need to ork direction. Student self-evaluation can be achieved by asking students to fill in their on self-evaluation form, reflecting their attitude in the learning process, difficulties and experience and their on learning situation. So that students fully understand their on learning process, feel the constant groth and progress. And to provide teachers ith more objective vie of life, values and other information for teachers to provide objective information on personalized teaching.

2, mutual assessment ithin the group

In the student self-evaluation, based on the team members should also be mutual evaluation. This evaluation can correct the individual in the evaluation of the lack of self-evaluation to enhance the level. The students evaluated the cooperative attitude, cooperative method and degree of participation in the group. The evaluation of cooperative partners is not only more prehensive and aurate, but also the students ho are evaluated are illing to aept, to make up for the lack of teachers in this evaluation.Through the evaluation of partners, affirmative achievements, pointing out the lack of learning the advantages of others, to reflect on their on deficiencies, making the individual students in theory and operational skills are to a ne level.

3, beteen groups of mutual assessment

The students take the group as the unit, take the group leader as the representative, the conformity group student's opinion, carries on the appraisal to other groups display orks. At this stage the team score as a team member of the mon score, to promote the members of the formation of mutual learning environment, team members for the mon goal of teamork and cooperation spirit.

4, teacher evaluation

The teacher evaluates objectively the results of each group (ie, the ork).Teachers 'evaluation, bined ith their on knoledge and experience, stand in the student's point of vie, to evaluate students' orks, to guide students to conduct scientific and effective evaluation.

Cooperative learning focuses on process evaluation, emphasizing that students learn and learn. While attaching importance to the evaluation of learning process, e should attach importance to the evaluation of learning outes. At the end of the general revie, the ork of each group ill be displayed, the evaluation beteen the groups, the orks of outstanding groups of spiritual reards or material reards.



I am illing to participate in collective activities, to treasure the collective honor, to safeguard the collective interests, I can express my personal point of vie, hen others disagree, I ill respect his vies, if not, in order not to hurt his pride, I ill respect and Encourage him. I am good at munication and cooperation ith others, henever I have a happy thing, I ill share ith friends. I love life, I like to observe life, in order to develop my practical ability, I ill participate in a number of activities, not only to kno some friends, you can also open

During school, the idea of positive demands for progress, take the initiative to learn all kinds of books and magazines, and actively to move closer to the party, illing to help others, illing to sacrifice. And actively participate in school and class anization activities, shoing a high collective sense of honor and teamork, in peacetime learning process, learning attitude is better, serious lectures, good at summing up, and achieved good learning results. In life, to take the initiative to help students ith difficulties, proactively assist teachers and class members to plete all the tasks assigned by the class students and teachers alike.



I am responsible for import and export and domestic procurement of Korean panies have been a year, and conscientiously, imports of large equipment, ra materials and spare parts, etc., master the development of procurement plans, management orders and other ork skills, A lot of ork experience and skills. Work enthusiasm, enthusiasm, helpfulness, a high degree of cooperation spirit. Good interpersonal skills, good munication skills, innovative thinking, a team spirit and can ithstand greater ork pressure, self-learning ability strong, thirst for knoledge strong.

Self-confident, self-disciplined; cheerful, illing to municate ith people, so make a lot of friends, ith good adaptability and skilled munication skills. Be able to aept all aspects of the vies, not afraid of failure, self-summary and improve. Lively and cheerful personality, like reading books, listening to music, travel, dancing, easy to get along ith people around.Content careful and meticulous ork, honest and trustorthy, strong sense of confidentiality. The biggest advantage is the young, energetic, able to plete any ork. Give me a chance, I ill use time and seat to prove.Please rest assured that the leadership, I ill be the quality and quantity to plete the task.


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