
家政知识 2022-11-07 21:04www.17kangjie.cn家政服务公司




◆ Achievements

Our pany development and production of hook-tail box, on the heart plate, support blocks and other ne railay products, transferred from June

QC department after the initiative to help guide the leadership of ne product debugging and production, ill kno and in the ork should focus on the issues and front-line employees one by one detailed, auxiliary production ork smoothly. In the independent sent to the machine shop, the timely and timely follo up the progress of each ne product processing and the establishment of aounting, so that each ne product from the machine into the orkshop to start the process, each step real-time monitoring. Timely detection and feedback of ne products in the process of the existing problems and to assist the technology sector to improve the processing technology. And ensure the suessful pletion of mechanical processing of sample samples for cr certification of "Fed steel upper plate for railay agons", "13b fed coupler end frame" and "17 fed hooktail frame".

◆ personal strengths and eaknesses

I learned mechanical manufacturing, and previously engaged in Haier is mainly automated robotic aspects of testing, came after the pany has only been orking in the machine shop, the knoledge of the relatively lack of fing. When I first came to the QC department of the fing orkshop, I almost did not kno the pany's fing products. After consulting ith my colleagues, I quickly learned about the performance and key points of each product. . I am from the machine plus apprentices began to e step by step, mechanical processing, programming knoledge more solid. In the machine after the orkshop, not only to ensure that machine products and timely detection, and can be found in the process of the hidden dangers, to avoid the ourrence of quality aidents, auxiliary site production.

◆ personal development goals in the pany

Quality inspection ork is not a simple size detection. At present our departments involved: fing detection, machining finished product testing, tensile, impact test, metallographic test, hardness, magic detection, ultrasonic testing. Debugging products related to bridge bearings, construction machinery, coal mining machinery, truck parts, etc., processes heating, fing, roll fing, heat treatment, machining, etc., these things are the ealth of the hands of the pany in the detection sector is not To so many things. In future ork, I ill, as alays, people: people ith good, the ork: to perfect, the quality: strict hold. And constantly strive to learn and expand their knoledge, assiduously enhance their business level to look forard to the development of the pany to do their part.

◆ remendations for the pany

Attention to detail, emotional trivia in life to increase points, in principle, equality and discrimination on the issue of everyone, improve employee sense of belonging and ell-being, to retain talent to create a in-in situation. I listed belo a fe examples of Qingdao Haier Mold Co., Ltd.: employee birthday, edding anniversary, the birthday of the children and other memorative date, timely delivery of small gifts or leave, pull the distance beteen the pany and employees to improve the staff members of the family Satisfaction and Support.

Old orkers are generally a living textbook of the industry, retain veterans to retain ealth. Haier in the ork of the old staff ill be aarded over a decade gold medal or silver horse, issued over tenty years of ork Kinmen and Matsu.

Each pay to the form of e-mail to employees of personal age details sent to the mailbox, and require confidentiality. Not only to avoid the age detail unified postings brought about by the asymmetry beteen employees, infighting and other situations, improve employee ell-being, help the team cohesion of the upgrade. But also allo each employee has a clear understanding of their on aounts, be aare of, personal experience to pay to reard poer.

But on the issue of principle pay attention to equality, equality for all, "Haier high-voltage line" of good faith as an example. To get off ork (instead of) playing time card, ithout a license to take the bus (Haier employees can travel in the bus and bus subsidies beteen the to elections) and other acts, regardless of the level of job once found unconditional termination of labor contracts, exception.


Since 2011 came to the sea pany, joined the Department of Quality Assurance, as a quality inspector, I kno the importance of this post, so I do a solid job in their on ork, in strict aordance ith pany standards test products, good quality, ill Unqualified product control in the orkshop, although the ork ill encounter many setbacks but I believe I can overe and seek ne ays to solve. From three aspects of my ork to be summed up:

First, the duties:

1. Responsible for the production orkshop of the product sampling, so that the quality of products in line ith the corresponding standards;

2. Obey the distribution, obey the mand, and strictly abide by the pany's rules and regulations and the relevant provisions;

3. Responsible for the pany's products to keep the kind of test, constant temperature test, record the results of experimental products, timely reporting.

4. Daily check transcripts and ork records, monthly summary of ork and make a ork analysis, and into the improvement measures. 5. In the ork hich must be impartial la enforcement, non-discriminatory to the la has been, lead by example.

Second, the ork attitude:

1. love their jobs, ork conscientiously, there are not afraid of tired of the spirit of fear, there is illing to be an unsung heroism. To act fair, loyal to their duties and ork hard to master the skills. Be serious and responsible to the ork, good at munication, coordination, failing to actively seek solutions;

2. To have a strong anizational skills and team spirit;

3. Lively and cheerful, optimistic motivated, caring and good at teaching and learning in parallel;

4. To be motivated, diligent in learning to continuously improve their on ability and overall quality. With plenty of energy, assiduously study the spirit to ork hard and steadily improve their ability to ork ith the simultaneous development of enterprises.

Third, the performance:

1. In the orkshop production process, the product label color part of the rong version, timely listing, and notify the manager to vie, ill be unqualified products under control, reduce pany losses. Therefore, strict control of product quality, increase sampling ratio, reduce defective produce. Is my job as a quality inspector.

2. The pany held a speech contest, I am active use of spare time to collect materials, continue to read the content, learning speech skills, on the honor for the department.

2. The product to keep the kind of test, constant temperature test, check every day, the quality problems arise, to timely report to the manager and corrective measures, shall not conceal the facts and intentionally not reported.

3. To plete their on ork, learning test knoledge, applied to the ork, to help others solve hat they can.

4. Strict implementation of the relevant provisions of the qualified system, on time to plete the quality inspection and check ork, timely pletion of the original report of the sorting, archiving.

Looking back at the past, although there are some gratifying achievements, but also found that there are many problems in their on ork, sometimes pioneering and innovative aareness is not enough, but they are alays seeking stability and fear, in some issues handled look after. I ill seriously sum up experience, carry forard the results, overe the shortings, to further strengthen the theoretical study and ork practice, and constantly improve their ability to ork. Society in progress, the pany in development, I ill continue to learn through the improvement of their on, for the pany to develop their on modest.


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