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The novel, Robinson Crusoe ritten by an English riter Daniel Defoe as published by Oxford University Press for sale in the People’s Republic of China in 1993. But the book I read is printed by Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press in 1997. The book has 283 pages.

Main Contents

The novel happened around Robinson Crusoe. At first, He had a happy family and entered a good school. His parents hoped that he could get a good job. Hoever, he didn’t ant that. He anted to adventure and have an exciting life. When he told his parents that he anted to be a sailor and ould go to sea, his parents ere angry. But he never fot his ambition.

In 1651 he ith his friend ent to Hull by sea. They adventured a strong ind and a heavy rain. At first he as afraid. Then he didn’t ant his friends and his family to laugh at him, so he began to go on ith his second time. They met the famous thieves of the sea at that time. The thieves anted to sell them as slaves but in the end the Turkin capitan decided to keep Robinson for himself as a salve. Then he and a boy named Xury escaped from the Turkin’s control. He met ith a Portuguese captain, ho ould go to Brazil. Robinson came to Brazil ith the Portuguese captain. There he began to have a ne life. But soon he as bored again. His friends ere going to Africa to do business. He ent ith them again. They met a terrible storm. His friends ere all dead. Only Robinson survived and as thron onto a lonely island.

On the lonely island he began to live a ne life alone. Totally he set three houses to survive. He never fot that he must return to his home, so he created several ships to help himself to leave the island.Hoever, he didn’t sueed in leaving the island. Someday he found there ere fights beteen ild men on the other islands. Then they came to his island ith their prisoners, to kill them, cook them, and eat them. Robinson as very angry. He anted a friend to talk to, so he determined to try to catch one of the prisoners of the ild men. There as a man ho as very lucky.

Robinson called him Friday. Robinson taught him to speak and ork. Friday as very clever and he learned to speak and ork.

At last, Robinson and Friday anted to leave the island. One day a captain and his officers ere controlled by the mutineers. The ship as from England. They dre an agreement. Robinson and Friday helped them to on the ship again and the captain helped Robinson and Friday return to England. They ere suessful. Robinson ended up his island life hich lasted tenty-seven years, to months and nieen days. Robinson as married and had a peaceful life. From the beginning to end he liked adventuring, so he began to adventure again. Maybe he ould rite another book about his adventures.


Excellent episodes

1.At first I as very thankful to be alive. Sloly, I got to my feet and ent higher up the shore. From there, I looked out to sea. I could see our ship, but it as recked and there as nobody in the ater. All my friends ere dead. I as alive, but in a strange ild to sleep on the shore. Perhaps there ere ild animals there. So I ent up into a tree and I stayed there all night.

2.My life as still busy from morning to night. There ere alays things to do or to make. I learned to make ne clothes for myself from the skins of dead animals. They looked very strange, it is true, but they kept me dry in the rain.

3.The prisoner ran like a ild goat, and soon I sa that he as ing near the bottom of my hill. As fast as I could, Iran don the hill and jumped out of the trees beteen the prisoner and the to ild men.

4.He as a fine young man, about tenty-five years old, tall and ell-built, ith a kind face and a nice smile. He had a bron skin, black hair, bright eyes and strong hite teeth. I decided to give him the name of “Man Friday”, because I first sa him on a Friday.

5.Friday as a quick learned and his English got better day by day. He helped me ith the goats and ith the ork in the cornfields, and soon e ere good friends.I enjoyed teaching him and, most of all, having a friend to talk to. This as the happiest of all my years on the island.


When I as in primary school, my teachers asked me to read the book, Robinson Crusoe. They told me that the novel can make you understand ho to be independent from your parents. I read it hen I as a little girl. Yes, I had a deep feeling. I understood many things. If e alays rely on our friends and parents, hen e have to survive independently e ill not be able to adapt to all. To the contrary e usually depend on ourselves, then hen e encounter some unexpected things, e can adapt and have positive attitudes to resolve it.

Hoever, this time after I read the novel I have deeper reflections. In our lives e should do adventures. When hardships are on the corner, e should face them bravely and never be fear. We shouldn’t have been satisfied ith the situation hich e are in at present. We should have ambitions. I believe if e are on a high stand, and e struggle for it, e can arrive a higher stand.

No e live in the modern society, so it is not necessary to drift to a desert island. But promise me to image it. If I stayed on a lonely island, I absolutely couldn’t conquer dangers. Maybe I ould lose confidence for life. I respect Robinson very much. He is a real hero in my heart. There is no perfect life in the orld and our life ill not be plain sailing and sometimes e maybe also encounter some dangerous things. But e can change our fate. Only if e kno ho to take the right measures, e ill escape from the dangers. Only if e have confidences and ork hard, e absolutely ill be victorious. In fact, the most important thing is “Never give up”. No I am young. There is a long time that I must experience. When I am in the college, I can make the most of the time. And no matter hat difficulties, I ill face ith them and never give up. I believe I can conquer any difficulty.


After reading the last page of the book, I still lost myself in the the story of Robinson. Robinson Crusoe is ritten by Daniel Defoe ho is famous as "the father of English novels". And it is one of the orld's most popular adventure novels.

Robinson Crusoe as born in a ealthy family. He could live a fortable life under the help of his parents. But he gave up the chance resolutely. Although his father ished him to bee a layer, Crusoe preferred to take the adventure to realize his sailing dream . He disregarded the fact that his to older brothers ere gone because of their need for adventure. His father thought that a middle-class existence as the most stable. Robinson ignored him. When his parents refusd to let him take at least one journey, he ran aay ith a friend and searched for free passage to London. Unluckily, their ship sank in the Pacific Ocean and he as the only ho as still alive. He stayed at an island for 28 years alone, struggling ith the difficulties and hardships by himself. Though he as very lonely and helpless, he didn't give up and finally he created a "ne orld" for himself. "Suffering for the eak is the abyss, but for the strong is just a stepping stone." Crusoe is a stronger. Although he hadn't done something great, his courage to face the injustice of fate deserved to be learned by all of us. When being trapped in such a bad situation, he hasn't been defeated but made full use of his minds and hands to create the life. No house, his built it; no food, he tried to hunt and gre vegetables. He also tried to make tables and pottery, learn to make bread. In helpless days, he fighted darkness, hunger, fear, loneliness ith his perseverance. What Crusoe did shoed that e should be persistent and brave hen facing difficulties.

" When God closes a door, a indo ill be open for you." When you are in trouble, don't give up. As long as e can be positive and optimistic and seize the fleeting opportunity, hope is ahead. As e kno, Crusoe as in a quiet island alone, there must have been a voice kept reverberating in his mind : "S! It is no meaning. No one ill rescue you." But he insisted the belief that difficulties ill be overe by human. In fact, e should deal ith hardships in the same ay. Never give up, so that you ill make it. Never give up, so that you ill bee stronger and stronger. Never give up, so that you ill obtain a bright suess.

In the long road of life, there are a lot of difficulties and obstacles. Hardships and frustrations are alays there sping our on pace. Hoever, there are to pletely different results: failure or suess. In fact, the result depends on our choice: move forard or s here. In a ord, attitude makes difference. So believe ourselves, stick to struggling until the last minute. Perseverance is victory!


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