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The results of the thesis are mainly to points: First, sort out the situation of human resources management, optimize the process of human resource management supervision, human resources management to achieve the process of information management; Second, the effective implementation of information sharing and dynamic management, Information auracy and timeliness, make the right analysis for decision makers and managers, and provide the appropriate basis.

In the system development process, the choice of development tools and technology, the demand for the entire system and system operating environment operating results have a great impact. The foreground of the system is to use JSP as the development language, the background database management system uses SQL Server, the development environment is My Eclipse, the server is using Tomcat, ill be developed to plete a B / S structure based on Web technology human resources information management system .

Enterprise human resources information management system design is through the use of database SQL Server2005, Tomcat and Java language and other aspects of knoledge and technology, is a human resources management information management system development and design of typical cases. In the settlement of the actual cumbersome operation laid the foundation.

Combining the deepening of theoretical knoledge is another distillation of theoretical knoledge, but also found a lot of deficiencies, especially in the development of tools is not detailed enough, the future also need to continue efforts in this regard.

The learning experience taught me to learn, not only to expand the knoledge, but also to learn ne ideas, the future has to be meticulous, the attitude of excellence, and maintain assiduously, for the study of hard ork momentum. I believe that experience ith these to years experience, I ill have a better tomorro out of the campus.


A good paper is not ritten out, but modified out, hich requires patience, but also hard. In the process of riting the paper, I encountered many problems, some of hich are beyond the scope of their ability, henever I can not rite their on ideas or thinking to run, I ill appear impetuous mood, but I Did not give up, but to adjust their attitude in a timely manner, ith the help of classmates teacher, pleted the first paper riting. The more you do not understand the things you ant to learn, in the learning process you ill gain a lot, one point is to learn from each other is the best ay to learn, after learning you ill feel a sense of acplishment, hich I pleted After the production site to experience.

Throughout the graduation thesis design process, I learned to do anything to have attitude and attitude, first of all I understand that to be meticulous in learning, for any problems and deviations do not despise, through the correct path to solve, in the Do things in the process to have patience and perseverance, not a difficult encounter back don, as long as you stick to it can find ideas to solve the problem. In the ork to learn to cooperate ith the attitude, seriously listen to the vies of others, so start things can be less effective.

The suessful pletion of the paper, first of all I ould like to thank my teacher and teacher Tang Jianhua around the help of friends, thank them for their valuable ments and suggestions. In addition, I ould like to thank all the teachers in the university to teach my knoledge is your careful teaching so that I have a good knoledge of professional courses, hich is the basis for the paper to be pleted.


Tense and happy high school life near the end, and at this moment in my mind there are thousands of thousands of reluctant, thousands of thousands of sadness, the teacher, you use knoledge to ater my heart, let me gro A friend is alays encouraging me to keep me going. Three years of high school life has I hone into a mature and stable young people, each time the suess of the need to obtain the strong support of seat, high school life ill be a onderful piece of my life.

Three years time I learned a lot of textbooks do not have the knoledge to learn ho to plan their on lives. We have to believe that everything is possible, a miracle ill appear in us. In the study, e have to don-to-earth, step by step, excellent results need a solid foundation to do a strong backing in life beteen the students should be concerned ith each other to help each other. We must actively participate in the activities of the school anization to improve their anizational capacity, in order to enter the institutions of higher learning to lay the foundation for the total sunshine after the storm, after three hard to read the hard indo, I believe I can go to colleges and universities to further study, I ill ork harder , Improve their on quality to develop their on moral, intellectual and prehensive development of talent.

Carrying the parents, the teacher's hope, I ill be strict demands on themselves, proactive, hard ork, create their on a fight blue sky.

You are a quiet and elegant, parallel and correct girl, learning to be proactive, hard ork, helpful and passionate life, is a good student in the hearts of teachers and students. You do not pay attention to the external geous and fancy inner quality, confident of the future, in learning to improve learning consciousness, believe that "knoledge change destiny", you ill take the suess of graduation ceremony only a handful of fe Day, summed up the folloing four years of university life and learning and so on:

Learning, the only four-year university linked to a sports, other cultural subjects are also considered a number of subjects reluctantly adopted. The university mainly studies puter science major, also has studied the many subjects in the specialized course, like "the data structure", "the operating system", "the c language program design", "the unix system tutorial", "80x86 assembly language programming" "Database-based hammer," softare engineering "and other subjects, many of them difficult and difficult to understand the knoledge, and some do not understand very ell no, freshman began to recall no learning c language based on the scene, or so Vivid. Later, hen I started junior learning delphi programming, seize the time to learn a lot of practical knoledge, but also directly helped me suessfully found a job.


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