
家政知识 2022-11-07 21:04www.17kangjie.cn家政服务公司




Like many excellent riters, the descendants of Mark Tain's evaluation is mixed. Can be divided into to categories of people to his evaluation. One is the reader, the other is the critic. As a reader, I ould like to talk about my evaluation of him.

First of all, I ould like to say that I like his ork very much. Mainly because his novels have itty humorous language. Every time I read his novel alays makes me feel very relaxed and happy. At the same time, carefully taste his novel, I can understand a lot of truth. For example, after reading "Adventures of Tom Sayer", I understand the ork of the relationship beteen entertainment. And found a ay to make ork as fun as fun. Not only that, I also deeply experience the greed and hatred of the terrible and the importance of responsibility.

Secondly, I am sometimes afraid to read his ork. Because in his several short stories of the problems revealed too realistic, too cruel, and read ill make people feel terror. For example, the story of a bad boy tells the story of a child ho is recognized as a bad child eventually get a good quality of life, and a child is recognized as a good boy has experienced a tragic life story. This story is very real, because it is the real social ugly phenomenon of concentration and concentration. After reading this novel, I "good people have a good report," this sentence had questioned. Can be gradually discovered later, in fact, this novel is an ugly enrichment. In real life, these ugly phenomena ill not appear at the same time, this makes me feel better. In Mark Tain's short stories, there are many such novels, thought-provoking.

In 1885, hen Mark Tain's ork "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" published in the "Century Magazine", once caused the reader's abuse. At that time people think that their orks have too many vulgar things. But I do not think so. This novel is a shrunken version of reality, it reflects the real life. And the existence of these phenomena in American life. Mark Tain is just a real sho. I think this just can explain his honesty and cute.

There are many critics point out that Mark Tain's humor is exaggerated vulgar humor, his orks have corrupted the English style. But I think humor is to play the role of laughter, if not exaggerated, can be called humor?Moreover, I think the ork of Mark Tain's performance is not vulgar vulgar content. But the reality of things. In every suessful novel, it ill reveal the reality of things. Such as the "La Traviata" in prostitutes revealed in the life and the "resurrection" revealed in the bureaucracy, numbness, money is a map and other phenomena. The critics of the time ould mark Mark Tain's ork at the vulgar level, I think only because they do not ant to acknoledge these realities.

Hoells pointed out that Mark Tain differs from ordinary humorists in the sense that "jokes contain serious meanings, hich is the ay he takes the expression of politics and social edy." I very much agree ith this vie.Throughout the short stories of Mark Tain, their humor is hidden behind the deep thinking.

Hoever, historically a critic named Van Wyck Brooks gave a plete rejection of Mark Tain's monograph, Mark Tain's Serious Test. In this book, Van Weeke Brooks pointed out that Mark Tain's riting after marriage as designed to cater to the aristocratic appetites and to make money for the purpose of riting. At the same time, Van Wyck Brooks also made the folloing diagnosis of Mark Tain:

Mark Tain as a victim of a devastated soul, frustrated. Just like the countless cases provided by psychoanalysts, this alone is enough to explain his later years of frustration. He as hindered, split, and even violated

His poet, the artist's nature shrinks into a cynic, the hole child into a spirit of the eak.

This evaluation is obviously too radical, because from Mark Tain after the creation of the marriage, "Prince and the poor children" and other orks can be seen, he is not as Van Weeke Brooks pletely aristocratic appetites and creation.

Hoever, I have to admit, Mark Tain because of the impact of Western culture and the US money orship subtle influence, his orks still have this tendency. From the "million pounds" in the hero's experience can be seen.He is still in the heart to retain the opportunity to rely on an opportunity to flourish the idea.

At the same time, Mark Tain later creation of "What is human? "And" mysterious stranger "can also be seen in his frustration. As to hy he as depressed, although I can not clear. But I believe that Mark Tain's frustration is not because, as Van Weeke Brooks said Mark Tain because of some of the events of the young and stifle the art of self, from curse of life. I think he ill e to this conclusion, on the one hand by the United States early "gentle literature" effect; the other hand, because he did not really integrate into Mark Tain created novels to feel Mark Tainorld! He as not able to try to aept this emerging literature at the time.

All in all, I think Mark Tain is a humorous, ise, sincere, lovely riter. And his unique humor plus reflection of the riting method is that ordinary people can not learn. As Bogil's na?ve reads: "Wisdom may be imitated, but innocence can not be imitated." Mark Tain's humor is a naive expression of his innocence that no one can imitate!


Mark Tain, the mirror of American, born in the small village of Florida, Missouri in 1835, and died in Hartford in 1910. His 75 years of suffering life has experienced the mostly part of history of American like industrial economic development, Civil War, gold rush and estern expansion and so on.

There is no doubt that Tain itnessed the rise and decline of country of America. The most important period of Tain’s life may begin at 1857. He became a cub pilot on a steamboat, that four and a half years in the steamboat marked the real beginning of his education. After decline of steamboat merce, he left the river country to join the Civil War for to eeks. Then, he ent est and suumbed to the epidemic of gold rush in Nevada. Eight months later, broke and discouraged, he aepted a job as reported ith the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise. In the year of 1864, he boarded the stagecoach for San Francisco. One years later, his first famous ork Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County as published. Then in 1876, the opportunity came for him to take a distinctly American to look at the orld. Upon his return to states, the version of travels, The Innocents Abroad, became an instant best-seller. At the age of 36 Tain settled in Hartford. His best books, The Adventures of Tom Sayer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, ere published hile he lived there.

Although bitterness fed on the man, he as alays struggling against difficulty in his hole life. And most important, he brought us lots of spiritual enlightenment in revelation.


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