
家政知识 2022-11-07 21:04www.17kangjie.cn家政服务公司




Mandela is a totem-style figure, and Martin Luther King, ith extraordinary personal charm, ith a firm political ideals. As a politician, there is no ideal not, but the ideal is not enough light. He is a good leader, but not a good leader.

Mandela as South Africa's "father" and "saint", and not eager to the presidency, he must be a president, this is a sign, but also very fun not re-elected. Since 1999, South Africa has entered the "post-Mandela era", many countries around the orld, have also experienced a similar period.Countries have experienced their on transition period, and may even lead to civil ar, these are the strong historical assets of the negative process of liquidation. As ith Mandela, "reverse discrimination" is one of them. No one is perfect, e have no reason to ask Mandela is a perfect person.

There is still a long ay to go to achieve true racial reconciliation.Mandela's contribution is to portray the right outlook for South Africa's future, point out a clear direction, and gain broad political aeptance. In this ay, despite the various problems no facing South African politics, it can still be expected that the "buffer period" after the current situation in South Africa ill be improved.

In international politics, although the reality is alays ruthless, e still have no reason to abandon the yearning for the good things of equality, freedom and peace. It is too early for a ne country, unstable and only tenty years old, to e to a conclusion. The general social problems of black administration, including the prevailing conditions in Africa, ar, AIDS,

Economic backardness, the future ill not be improved, hether out of this vicious circle, I do not kno. But I believe that this is because the economy, the reasons behind education, but not because of race.

Desire civilized happiness, you have to suffer the pain of civilization, this is for the future happiness. In fact, some time, I ill feel racism is an unsolvable problem, but often see there are a lot of people in this effort, put aay the idea. Mandela has left many beautiful things for human society. The slogan "Let the land be high or lo, regardless of you and me" is the result of his struggle for more people to aept it. Vested interests to aept. Is such a person, so that the rules of the orld cold, shining from the glory of human nature.

The reason hy people are, is the pursuit, longing for good things, even at the expense of their on interests. Mandela's life merits, left to future generations ment. But ask yourself hat Mandela has done in his life, a firm pursuit of ideals, and ask ho can do it? Mandela's greatness is that he is a determined fighter, and alays confident to change the future. In his body, the poer of human nature than any other. His pursuit, also on the universal recognition of human society, hether black or hite.

It is such a person's existence, the orld is orthy of our nostalgia. Those history, it is orth to move us. The controversy over Mandela ill not end, he rong place, to reflect on, the right place to memorate. He has a variety of problems, e are no memorating Mandela, is to memorate his spirit.


Nelson Mandel is a former President of South Africa, the first to be elected in a fully representative democratic election, ho held office from 1994–1999. Before his presidency, Mandela as an anti-apartheid activist. The South African courts

convicted him on charges of sabotage, as ell as other crimes mitted hile he led the movement against apartheid. In aordance ith his conviction, Mandela served 27 years in prison, spending many of these years on Robben Island.

Folloing his release from prison on 11 February 1990, Mandela supported

reconciliation and negotiation, and helped lead the transition toards multi-racial democracy in South Africa. Since the end of apartheid, many have frequently praised Mandela, including former opponents. Mandela has received more than one hundred aards over four decades, most notably the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993. He as

chosen as the present of South Africa in 1994.This speech as his inaugural address speech.

The night of South Africa lasted too long. Since the 17th century, estern colonizers and their descendants to take possession of this beautiful and fertile land lafully vigorously implemented the apartheid system. Especially after the fifties in this century, hite regime put the use of penalties and punishments to the of the system. Meanhile, the hite dictator’s perverse acts ere resisted by the majority of black, scorned and imposed long-term sanctions by the international munity as ell. The abused blacks fought for freedom and national equality for three centuries, and finally gained the poer of multi-racial elections in a peaceful ay. On May 10th, 1994, the famous black movement leader Nelson Mandela as sorn as President of the ne democratic South Africa.

In this remarkable historical moment, Mandela, standing at the microphone, published his stirring human hearts inaugural address.

The speech suessfully set a emotional tone ith mingled happiness and sadness. At that time, for one hand, the miserable blacks ere full of excitement, ith their broken hearts; for another hand, the hites ho had conscious repented their unhappy past, though the stubborn hites left. Long-term isolation having bee the past,

South Africa restored dignity, but racial barriers and the same racial discriminations cannot be immediately eliminated. Feelings of South Africa’ people ere extremely plex. The hole orld contemplating it as also surprise and excited. As the first president in the ne South Africa, ho has lived in prison for 27 years and struggled for the hole life, Mandela filled ith emotions. Facing this audience, the speaker as neither condemning past nor praising peace. It as sad ithout angry and happy ithout crazy. What’s more, the mingled feelings caused the broadest vibe.

The speaker focused on national reconciliation, unity and reconstruction, dealing ith misfortunes intellectually, doing aay ith ultra ords. The grief and resentment stayed in audience’s heart for a long time, but ords are very quiet and nice, hich let us have a lingering aftertaste. Mandela used “us” to contain different races, and omitted the contradictory procedure but stressed the results, being cautious and politely telling the desire of reconciliation, hich of course pleasant and aeptable. Today, South Africa has bee a ealthy and poerful country. With the ing of the 2010 World Cup, she ill bee better and better!


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