
生活百科 2022-08-07 16:57www.17kangjie.cn生活百科

  round  美: [raʊnd] 英: [raʊnd]  n.旋转;巡视;一连串;绕圈  adv.环绕;附近;各处;向四面  prep.环绕;在…周围;始终  v.绕过;拐过;使成圆形;把…四舍五入  adj.圆的;球形的;肥胖的;弧形的  

1 圆形的;环形的;球形的shaped like a circle or a ball  a round plate圆盘子  These glasses suit people ith round faces.  这款眼镜适合圆脸的人。  The fruit are small and round.  这种水果小而圆。  Rugby isn't played ith a round ball.  橄榄球比赛用的不是圆球。  the discovery that the orld is round    地球是圆的这一发现  The child as atching it all ith big round eyes(=  shoing interest) .  这孩子睁着又大又圆的眼睛看着这一切。  a T-shirt ith a round neck  圆领T恤衫  

2 弧形的;圆弧的having a curved shape  the round green hills of Donegal  多尼戈尔那些圆圆的绿山冈  round brackets(= in riting)  圆括号  She had a small mouth and round pink cheeks.  她的嘴小小的,圆脸蛋红红的。  

3 [obn]整数的;尾数是0(或5)的a   figure or amount is one that is given as a hole  number, usually one ending in 0 or 5  1 旋转;环绕;兜圈子moving in a circle  Everybody joins hands and dances round.  大家手拉着手,围成一圈跳舞。  Ho do you make the heels go round?  你是怎么让轮子转起来的?  The children ere spinning round and round .  孩子们一个劲地转呀转。  The thought kept going round and round in her head.  这个想法一直萦绕在她的心头。  2 周长;周围;绕一整圈measuring or marking the edge or outside of  sth  a young tree measuring only 18 inches round  周长只有18英寸的小树  They've built a high fence all round to keep intruders  out.  他们在周围竖起了高高的围墙,以防外人进入。  3 在周围;围绕on  all sides of sb/sth  A large crod had gathered round to atch.  一大群人聚在周围观看。  

4 到处;四处at  various places in an area  People stood round aiting for something to happen.  人们在各处站着,等待着发生什么事情。  

5 调转方向;转过来in  a circle or curve to face another ay or the opposite  ay  He turned the car round and drove back again.  他调转车头,又开了回来。  She looked round at the sound of his voice.  听到他的声音,她扭头看了看。  

6 绕弯;迂回;向另一侧to the other side of sth  We alked round to the back of the house.  我们绕到房子的后面。  The road's blocked─you'll have to drive the long ay  round .  这条路被堵了—你们得开车绕着走了。  

7 依次;挨个from  one place, person, etc. to another  They've moved all the furniture round.  他们把所有的家具搬动了一遍。  He ent round intervieing people about local  traditions.  他到处找人访谈,了解当地的传统。  Pass the biscuits round.  把饼干传给大家。  Have e enough cups to go round ?  我们的杯子够大家用吗?  

8 到某地,在某地(尤指居住地)to or at a particular place, especially here sb  lives  1 环绕;围绕in a  circle  the first oman to sail round the orld  第一位环球航行的女性  The earth moves round the sun.  地球围绕太阳旋转。  2 绕过;在另一侧on,  to or from the other side of sth  Our house is round the next bend.  前面一拐弯就是我们家。  There she is, ing round the corner.  她来了,绕过拐角过来了。  There must be a ay round the problem.  这个问题一定有办法解决。  3 在…周围

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