
家政知识 2022-11-07 21:04www.17kangjie.cn家政服务公司




Have a good sense of teamork and anizational coordination.

Optimistic, self-confidence, good psychological quality, ith outstanding learning and adaptability.

Strong sense of responsibility, active and meticulous, have good munication skills and ork style.

A: I am mature and stable, strong, stable state of mind, can play an important task;

2: marketing and management experience, ability to aept, can quickly aept the ne theory and skills, not subject to experience constraints;

3: good health, able to live scared, good at dealing ith unexpected emergencies

Four: has a strong system analysis ability and market judgment.

Five: the dealer's management experience and urbanization operation has extensive experience, aording to different market-related market aess system and marketing strategy.

Sixth: the development of the channel, maintaining a unique insight and rich management experience.

7: a strong team management and operational aareness, to fully understand and implement the pany's market strategy.

Eight: the terminal management, offline activities, large customer management, aess strategy has a ealth of actual bat experience.

Nine: aording to pany requirements on the sales targets in aordance ith the actual situation of the market for effective deposition and reached.


I entered the clothing store since __ years of ork, ith an open mind to learn, take seriously the ork, sum up experience, has also made some achievements. At ork, I gradually realized that in order to do the ork of clothing Purchasing Guide, to have their on strict requirements. Hereby, develop my 2012 ork plan, in order to inspire self, get good results:

First, under the leadership of the manager, the unity of the Friends, and e establish a relatively stable sales team: sales of talent is the most valuable resource, all sales are derived from a good sales staff, the establishment of a cohesive , The spirit of cooperation of the sales team is the root of our shop. In the future ork to establish a harmonious, lethal team is me and all of our Purchasing Guide's main goal.

Second, dedicated service. To be full of enthusiasm to face each customer. Attention to customer munication skills, to seize the customer's purchase of psychological and dedication to customer service.

Third, familiar ith the clothing. Understand the characteristics of each store in our store, for clothing models, models, colors, prices, fabrics, suitable for people to fully understand.

Fourth, to develop to identify problems, sum up the problem, the habit of self-improvement: to develop problems, sum up the problem is to improve the overall quality of my on ork in the problem can be summarized and put forard their on vies and suggestions, To my sales ability to a ne level.

Fifth, aording to the sales tasks assigned to the store, and firmly pleted the __ million turnover of the shop assigned tasks, and e depose the task to the specific circumstances of the eekly, daily; to eekly, daily sales target deposition to each of us A Purchasing Guide ho, to plete the sales task of each time period. And strive to plete the sales task based on the increase in sales.

I think e __ men's store development is the overall quality of the staff, the manager of the guidelines, the team building is inseparable. Building a good sales team and having a good orking model and orking environment is key to the job.


Although not the best, but ill do better. Although not the best talent, but I hope he is the most suitable candidates for this post.

At ork, the courage to aept ne challenges, serious and responsible, good munication and coordination, a strong anizational skills and team spirit, life: efforts to enhance self-orth and moral cultivation, and constantly enrich themselves, improve themselves, in life: Be responsible for yourself and others.

Sales of the practice of clothing content mainly in the folloing areas:

1, field sales Only the field practice, in order to learn the experience of sales of clothing, expression and adaptability! As ell as customer satisfaction and return!

2, sum up experience Short internship, the daily sales of the lessons learned from the record, learn from the lack of, carry forard their strengths, improve themselves! So to improve their sales.

3, learning management to the clothing store not only to learn the direct sales of products, but also learn ho to manage the clothing store staff and arrangements for the task! Thus expanding the thinking, learning enterprise management department. In a short period of internship, through direct contact ith customers, the real exercise of their on ability to express and improve their ability to adapt to exercise the psychological quality. Introduce clothing freely, on-site processing flexibility, through their on lessons learned, improve sales performance, learn the experience of the book can not learn! In management has also been harvested!


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